Cow in India Pushes a Man to Steal the Food from His Bowl [Video]
The next time you want to complain about your cat being aggressive to you, watch this clip of a cow sending a man flying into the air just to steal his food instead.
A very particular incident took place in southern India earlier this month, and fortunately for the rest of the world, it was recorded on CCTV.
The video, shared on Fox News’ official Instagram account, showed a man casually walking down a street while holding a bowl of vegetables and talking to other people.

Cow in a farm | Photo: Pixabay
A few feet behind him, a big, brown cow is seen walking toward him after apparently getting interested in the food he was carrying.
Initially, the animal pushed the man with its head, but it was not strong enough to really bother the pedestrian, who simply laughed it off and kept talking to a person not pictured in the CCTV footage.
That gentle push was probably the cow’s “respectful” way to ask for food. Since the man completely ignored the animal’s request, things turned a bit more physical.
The cow charged toward the man, lifting him with its strong head and sending him flying into the air. To make matters even worse for the man, he landed in a hole in the ground in front of him.
As a result of the headbutt, all of the food that the man was carrying got scattered all over the floor. Witnesses quickly helped the man get out of the hole, and in the meantime, the cow was feasting on the vegetables.
It is unclear if the man was injured during the incident. It is important to point out that cows are considered sacred creatures in Hinduism, India's most popular religion.
The pair of “cowpugs” are important assets in Wedel’s job.
This cow is not the only animal recorded on camera stealing some food. In fact, several cats have been caught red-pawed eating what they shouldn’t!
Earlier this year, another video featuring animals went viral. This time, the stars were a pair of “cowboy pugs” named Paisley and Tuff, showing off their exceptional cattle-herding skills.
In the clip, both pets appeared commanding a large pack of cows despite their evident smaller size. According to rancher Sara Wedel, she noticed that three-year-old Paisley was mimicking her other herding dogs, all border collies.
Consequently, she started teaching the pug basic commands for cow dogs, and she learned them right away. Things were not so different with one-year-old Tuff, so the pair of “cowpugs” are important assets in Wedel’s job.