Daily Joke: Mother Teaches Her Daughter How to Cook Sausages Properly
Family cooking traditions are important in every culture, but some of them are a little strange. Here is an example of one of the most arbitrary family cooking traditions we have ever heard of.
A mother teaching her children how to cook is something that many mothers look forward to in their lives and spend time preparing for. For this particular mother and daughter, the day’s cooking lesson was on how to cook sausages.
Cooking sausages might seem like one of the easiest dishes to cook, but this mom and daughter seemed to run into a bit of a problem when the daughter started questioning her mother's cooking methods.

Cartoon of a mom and daughter cooking | Source: Pixabay
The mother taught her daughter that you cut the edges off of the sausages, warm some oil up in a pan, and then cook the sausages by placing them in the pan and moving them around often to cook evenly.
Children being the ever-curious creatures that they are, always have many questions to ask, and this little girl is no different. After her mom explained how she should cook the sausages, the little girl asked why the ends needed to be cut off.

Fried sausages | Source: Pexels
Her mom, taken aback by the question and not armed with an answer, tried to brush it off by simply saying it was just how it was done and that it helps the sausages cook. She hoped it would be a good enough answer.
However, the next time the pair cooked sausages, the little girl once again asked her mother the same question as before, and her mother still could not answer why the ends of the sausages had to be cut off.

Great grandma frowning | Source: Pixabay
The mother then suggested that they go to the retirement home where the child’s great-grandmother lived to ask her why the ends of the sausages needed to be cut off as she started the tradition.
The great-grandmother, who by then was slightly deaf, yelled, “Well, why are you still using that tiny frying pan?!”

An egg frying in a pan. | Source: Pixabay
If you’re the kind of woman who is nervous when her partner is driving and is convinced that you can drive better than them at any given time, this next joke is especially for you to have a little giggle.
One morning, a woman was making some fried eggs for her husband when he burst into the kitchen telling her when to flip the eggs, how much butter to add, and that she never added enough salt when she made eggs.

Couple driving | Source: Pixabay
The woman asked her husband what was wrong with him as she had cooked him fried eggs many times before, and he had never had a bad word to say. The husband simply replied, “I’m just showing you how I feel when I drive."