Boy sitting on a doorstep | Source: Getty Images
Boy sitting on a doorstep | Source: Getty Images

Сhildfree Lady Sees Fire Truck on Her Street and Crying Neighbor Boy Near Her Door – Story of the Day

Rita Kumar
Apr 14, 2023
08:35 A.M.

A career-driven and childless Emma never wanted to become a mother all her life. However, a devastating house fire that breaks out next door changes everything when she has to shelter a neighboring little boy.


"A party? That's amazing, Lucy. But I can't make it today. Sorry hun...I have an important presentation comin' up," Emma, 41, had just stepped down from the taxi when the sound of ambulance and fire truck sirens blared in the distance.

"Oh no, what's happening? Hold on...I'll call you back," Emma hung up after hearing the panicked voices of people shouting and screaming outside her apartment building. Cracking glass filled the air, and firefighters were breaking into the apartment engulfed in flames next door.

Emma's heart pounded as she steered through the mob of people running around with water and fire extinguishers. "Jesus Christ, who is that?" she froze at seeing a figure wrapped in thin white linen carried out of the blazing building on a gurney...

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash


"Oh my God...my apartment. Please, I need to get in there! All my important files and things are inside! How did this happen?" she frantically asked a firefighter standing near the edge of the crowd.

"There's been a fire in apartment 909, Mam. We're trying to put it out. It seems there's been a gas explosion today evening. Please step back."

"What? A gas explosion in 909? That's Mrs. Pratt's apartment. She...she lived next door...Oh my God, was it her then? And what about her son? Where is he?"

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Emma couldn't stick to one place or calm down when she realized her apartment could be in danger. A deafening crackle of flames filled the air, and the fire rapidly spread, intensifying her fear that her home could be destroyed too.


"Ma'am, please wait here," the firefighter stopped her when she tried to approach the building to get to her apartment through the stairs without weighing the danger.

"The fire has been put out. The elevators are not working in this block. Please, hold on. Don't panic. Please. Let us do our job first. Your apartment is safe."

Emma breathed a sigh of relief, and just as she turned around, she saw Tom—her widowed neighbor Mrs. Pratt's eight-year-old son, crying alone, his face streaked with tears, and soot smeared all over his clothes.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"Tom, are you okay?" she knelt, pulling the little boy closer.

"I want to go to Mommy," Tom yanked Emma's hand, running after the ambulance carrying his mother away.


"It's okay, Tom. Your mom will be alright. Look here...calm down...stop crying. She needs to get treated, right? Everything will be okay. Come here. Just calm down."

Emma scooped the boy up and held him tight.

"My house...everything burned down," Tom buried his face in Emma's shoulder. "I went to play in the park nearby, and when I came, I saw people...and firefighters running around, with water hoses and sand buckets. Mommy is hurt. I heard her screaming inside, but they never let me in."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Getty Images

"I'm so sorry, Tom," Emma rubbed the boy's back gently, whispering soothing words in his ear. "Let's go inside now. Come."


As they entered the building, the unpleasant odor of smoke, burned plastic, and charred wood hung heavily in the air.

Tom stood at his doorstep, peeping into his once-happy home that was now reduced to ashes. Only the walls remained, and Tom couldn't even step in due to the odor and smoke.

"Tom, do you want to come and stay with me tonight?" Emma asked, looking down at the boy. "You can't stay in your apartment anymore. We'll figure that out later. Come on in."

"Really? Can I stay with you, Miss Emma?" Tom said with a sniffly, runny nose and his big grey eyes brimming with tears as he stood near her door.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"Of course you can, sweetie! We'll first get you cleaned up. And we'll have something nice to eat, okay?"


"What about Mommy? I want to see her. Will she be alright? I can't stop crying...Can you take me to the hospital? They didn't let me in. Mommy was shouting for help. I heard her voice and…and…"

"Of course, honey. Your Mommy will be absolutely fine, alright? We'll see her first thing tomorrow. Okay? Don't worry. The doctors will take good care of your Mommy. And she'll be fine, okay?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Getty Images

Tom nodded as he clung to Emma's hand and made his way into her apartment. Emma washed the soot off his hands and face. She dressed him in clothes she'd bought from the flea market last week to donate to charity.

As Tom gobbled the peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Emma called the local hospital and got through to a nurse who told her that Tom's mother was being treated for severe burns.


"We're trying our best, Ma'am. But her condition is still critical. We can't say anything for sure," revealed the nurse before Emma hung up, not sure what she would tell Tom. She turned around, and the little one stood right behind her, waiting to know if his mother was okay.

"Was it the doctor? Is Mommy fine? Did she ask about me?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"Tom, yeah...yeah...I just spoke with the hospital. Your Mommy is going to be okay, dear. She needs to rest well. Everything will be alright," Emma faked a smile.

Tom let out a heavy sigh before returning to the dining table. The only sound that broke the grave silence was the occasional beep of his mobile phone, which he checked every few minutes.


Tom was heartbroken, and Emma didn't know how to comfort him. The boy's eyes were constantly fixed on his cell phone, awaiting a call from the hospital or someone who would tell him his mother was alright.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

"So, you like books? DC superhero comics? I can bring them down from the attic. I have a box of 'em. You wanna see?" Emma tried distracting the boy.

"No, I don't like reading books. But Mommy always tells me reading is good. She used to read me bedtime stories. Boring ones! But I can't sleep without hearing a story every night."

Emma chuckled. "I haven't read bedtime stories to anyone. But I can try tonight!"


"No, it's okay. I only like my Mommy's bedtime stories," Tom said with a hint of disappointment. "And I know you don't tell bedtime stories to anyone...because you don't have children. Mommy told me you're a lonely lady with no one around. Why don't you have any kids?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"I like children," Emma replied awkwardly, slicing the steak. "But I never wanted to have them."

"But Mommy tells me family is everything! If you really liked children, you'd have them. But you're alone. So you don't really like children, and you're lying."

"Hahaha...good one! I'm not saying that family isn't important, Tom. But I worked really hard to get where I am now. I love my job. You see, sweetie, sometimes, we adults are forced to make a choice in life. Sometimes, such choices can be really, really difficult. I made mine, and I'm happy. Simple!"


Tom nodded and quietly ate as though he understood everything. But only Emma knew her pain so well.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

She was a career-driven woman all her life, passionate about her future. She had a tough upbringing and came from a family that struggled to make ends meet and never wanted to live in poverty again.

After Emma lost her parents, she endured several hardships and was determined to make a better life for herself. She crawled her way through school and then college, working very hard day and night to climb the career ladder. Emma chose to retain her successful career and thought having kids or a family would get in the way of that.

"...My job is my everything. I don't want anything else, honestly. I don't want to be a mom. And besides, not everyone is made for parenthood! I'm different. And I'm not the only one who says no to having kids."


"But don't you get bored being alone all the time?" Tom asked. "Mommy said kids are magical...That we make people smile. And fill their lives with happiness. How can you be happy without children?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Getty Images

Emma pursed her lips and nodded. "I'm sure your Mommy is right! But for me, that magic comes from seeing a project sell or closing a big deal. That's what gets me excited."

Before Tom could question further, his phone suddenly rang.

"Hello? Hello...Is it the hospital? I want to talk to Mommy. Can you give the phone to my Mommy? Hello? Hello?" he quickly answered the call from an unknown number, hoping it was some good news about his mother. But it wasn't from the hospital.


"Uncle Billy?" he gasped.

Emma saw the look of disappointment on Tom's face.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Getty Images

"Darling, one sec, gimme the phone. I need to talk," she grabbed his phone and hurried to her room, slamming the door shut behind her.

"Hey, Tommy! I missed a few calls from you, champ. This is my other number. Everything alright?"

"Billy, hey, it's me, Emma, Tom's neighbor," Emma answered.

"Tom's mother is in critical condition in the hospital. There's been a fire accident in their apartment today evening...Yeah, today…"


"....And even if she recovered, it would take several weeks for her to get better. We need to make some arrangements for Tom meanwhile. I was wondering if you could come here and take him with you. The boy needs somebody by his side, and I think it would be great if you could come."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"Oh, boy. That's really sad. I hope his mother is alright. I wish I could, Emma," Billy said, his tone disheartening. "But I'm held up with cultivation at my farm. It's the harvest season, and my farm needs me. I have a lot riding on this year's crop, and I can't leave right now. Plus, it's too far."

"I see. Well, we'll have to figure out something coz I can't have Tom with me any longer. How about I drive him to your place? Can you just give me your address? I'll bring him there tomorrow afternoon, okay?"


"Alright! I'll be waiting for you, Emma. Just note down ma address...."

When Emma opened the bedroom door, Tom was standing right outside, tears in his eyes.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pixabay

"Are you sending me to Uncle Billy? You told me I could stay here...with you."

"Don't worry, sweetie. You have to be with your relatives until your Mommy gets back. And I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun at your Uncle Billy's farm. Lots of hens...goats...horses...yeah?!"

Tom just looked down, sniffled, and walked away to his room.

Emma sighed. She had already made up her mind to leave the boy at his uncle's place the next day. They drove a good long two hours to the town nearby the following afternoon, but as they pulled outside Billy's so-called farm, Emma's heart sank.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"This is your Uncle's farm?" she asked Tom, and his silence paired with his disappointed eyes, answered her.

Several barns were left to crumble. The farmhouse that sat in the center of the field looked like it was one strong wind away from collapsing. There were no farm animals, just an old tractor and a dog. And there were no neighbors in sight.

Emma was worried about leaving Tom in such a place, and her concern only grew when a tall, dusky man stumbled out of the house, swaying side to side, with a vodka bottle in his hand. He was clearly drunk, and the pungent smell of alcohol grew intense the closer he approached.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


"Woooow!! My little assistant's here...finally! Glad to see you, pal," Billy slurred, swaying from side to side, extending his hand to grab Tom toward him.

Emma forced a smile, trying her best to be calm.

"Hi, I'm Emma. I called you last night..."

But before she could finish, she felt Tom's tight grip around her hand. He looked up at her with big pleading eyes and was clearly terrified.

"Emma, huh?" Billy said, walking nearer. "Thanks a bunch, Emma. I am so glad you brought the boy to me."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Getty Images

"Sorry to pry, but...do you have a wife, Billy?" Emma asked, looking around for some source of safety for the boy. But as far as her eyes could see, there was just the cornfield, a shabby farmhouse displaying stacks of empty wine bottles through the door crack, and no woman or children in sight.


"Wife? Noooo...that woman ran away with someone three years ago. I bet she was sleeping with Charlie, that son of a...Ahem...But trust me, Emma. We can do very well without a bunch of skirts running around telling us what to do!" laughed Billy, making Emma's gut churn.

She understood then and there that this was no place for a little boy to grow up. Emma knew she couldn't leave Tom with this drunkard and turned around.

"Let's get out of this twisted place," she whispered to the boy and drove away.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

"Where are we going?" Tom asked, his voice trembling.

"To my home."


"Are you taking me back to your home? But you told me I needed to stay with my family."

"Yes, sweetie. I did tell you. But I don't think it's good for you to stay with your Uncle Billy. I don't like that man. And don't you worry...You may live with me until your mom is discharged from the hospital, alright?" Emma told Tom, lowering the radio volume.

"Can we visit Mommy tomorrow? Please, Miss Emma. I wanna see her."

Tom's voice was brimming with hope as he looked Emma in the eye.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Getty Images

"Mommy promised she'd never leave me alone after Daddy died. But I've been without Mommy for a whole night now. And now it's gonna be a whole day without her...I wanna see my Mommy. Can we go to the hospital tomorrow, pleeease, Miss Emma? Will you take me?"


"Alright, I'll call the doctor and ask him. One sec," Emma said, pulling over by the roadside. Her phone rang just as she was about to call the hospital.

"Hello?" she answered shakily.

"I'm calling from the City Hospital," the doctor's voice on the other end sounded grave. "We're sorry to inform you that the boy's mother passed away. We tried everything. We're extremely sorry."

Emma struggled to keep her voice steady, and for a moment, everything turned dark around her.

"Is Mommy alright? When's she coming back?" Tom jolted her.

"Miss Emma, say something. When's Mommy coming back? What did the doctor say?"

Emma sat speechless. She fixed her gaze ahead and drove silently, unable to answer those questions.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Getty Images


When they arrived back home, Emma didn't have the courage to face the little one even for a second. She hurried him to bed after dinner and kissed him goodnight, worried about what would happen to the poor boy if he learned his mother was no more and that he was orphaned.

Just as she put out the lights in his room, he called out to her in a soft, sad voice.

"Miss Emma, Mommy will be home with me by this time tomorrow, right? I can't wait to be with her. I miss her so much."

Emma sat beside Tom and gently ruffled his hair. "You love your Mommy a lot, don't you?"

"A lot...More than all the stars in the sky!"

"Goodnight, sweetie. Let's talk tomorrow. Close those eyes and go to sleep..." she whispered, letting out a deep, painful sigh. She kissed Tom on the forehead before leaving his room.

Emma was clueless about what to do and immediately phoned her close friend.

"...Yes, that's really sad, Lucy. His mother died today. I haven't yet told him. I'm not sure how I'm gonna tell him. He will break, and I can't do that. Oh God! What am I gonna do? And the only relative he has is that idiotic drunkard Billy. I'm afraid even to imagine what Tom's life will turn into if he goes to live with that rogue."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"...I don't know yet, Lucy. Yeah, you're right. But you know very well I can't adopt him. I can't do that. I'm not ready for children yet. So that's out of the question. You have no idea...This boy has been living with me for just two days. And my job has become a mess already. I have an important presentation tomorrow and still haven't touched it."

"Is there some other way we could help him? I don't want to leave him in the shelter. You know how horrible those places are sometimes. And I definitely can't have him here anymore. I just don't understand what I'm gonna—"

Suddenly, Emma froze in bed, holding her breath as she strained to hear a faint sound outside her room.


"Wait a sec," she whispered. "I think I heard something."

Emma tiptoed to the doorway and swung the door open, assuming she'd heard Tom's bedroom door creak. But it was shut the way she'd left it. Emma checked the room and saw that the boy was fast asleep in bed.

"I must be imagining things," she sighed and returned to her bedroom.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"Ah, nothing. Sorry about that. I thought I just heard...Okay, I think I'll have to figure out something soon. The boy needs to go from here as soon as possible. It's for his own good. Maybe for a few days until his mother returns from the hospital. Alright...'tis late already. I have an important meeting tomorrow. Goodnight, hun!"


Emma dozed off, and when she entered Tom's room the next morning to check on him, she froze in her tracks. The boy was sleeping still with the sheets pulled up over his head.

"Tom, sweetie, get up. It's time for breakfast."

Emma lifted the blanket and was in for a massive shock. The boy was not in his bed, and in his place was a stack of pillows. Emma's gaze then shifted to a note tucked in a vase of white flowers on the bedside table.

"ThAnk YoU MisS EmmA :)" read the crooked words scribbled in blue marker.

"Oh my God...where did he go?" Emma bolted out of the room to look for Tom.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


"Tom? Tom, come out...Tom??"

Emma checked every nook and cranny of her house, but the boy was nowhere to be seen. His phone was unreachable, and her heart sank when she tried to make sense of the words on the note.

"Mr. Davis, I...eh...I can't come in to work today," Emma phoned her boss.

"Can't come? Emma, we have an important presentation today. Have you forgotten?"

"I know...I know, Mr. Davis. But I'm sorry. I can't make it today. I'll forward the file to Susan. Maybe she could present the project."

"Are you kidding, Emma? Is this some kind of joke? I'll fire you if you don't..."

Despite knowing the consequences, Emma didn't care about anything and just hung up.

She bolted around the block, looking around for Tom. She asked all her neighbors, but nobody had seen him.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


"Mrs. Frank, did you see Tom? The little boy whose apartment burned down recently? Did you see him?" she asked one of her neighbors.

"No, dear...I didn't."

Mrs. Frank and everybody else said the same thing.

A sense of panic crawled up Emma's gut as she drove to all the parks and playgrounds in the district, looking around for the boy. But he was not there anywhere.

"Tom, where are you? Please come back," she cried, sinking onto a bench in the last park she checked, her head in her hands. It was already past noon, and Tom was nowhere to be found.

Emma felt helpless and lost. She didn't know what to do next or how to find the boy. Just then, she heard the siren of an ambulance piercing through the quietness around her in the near distance.

Emma's heart leaped.

"That's it...Oh my God...That's it," she sprang to her feet, having realized where Tom might be.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash


Emma rushed her car to the city hospital, the only hospital in their district, praying that Tom was there. When she arrived, she slowed down.

"Tom...Oh my God...Tom? What you doin' here, honey? How did you? How did you get here?"

Tom was standing at the entrance, looking around, terrified and lost. Emma panted and knelt before the boy, gently lifting his downcast head up.

"Tom? Thank goodness you're okay. I looked for you everywhere. You almost killed the life outta me."

"Sweetie, you can't leave like that, okay?" Emma cried, holding the little one close. "You can't just run away. You're not alone, okay? Promise me...Just promise me you'll never leave me again."

Tom looked up and just stared Emma in the eye with tear-streaked cheeks and hugged her.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Getty Images


What can we learn from this story?

  • Success is not just about a high-paying job. It is about how kind, compassionate, and helpful you are. Despite knowing she would lose her job, Emma refused to go to work when she had to present an important project and went looking for a missing Tom.
  • Your real achievement is in having a family and loved ones around you, and not in a hefty bank balance. Life is very short, so hoard the love of family rather than hoarding money like Emma, a workaholic woman who chose her career over everything. For this reason, she never married or had children. However, she changed her views after crossing paths with Tom.

Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might inspire them and brighten their day.

A man mocks his unemployed wife for being idle at home and finds her missing one evening. As he searches for her, he stumbles upon a note and learns she was taken away in an ambulance. Click here to read the full story.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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