A couple on a date | Source: Getty Images
A couple on a date | Source: Getty Images

People Share True Stories of Their Restaurant Dates That Ended with Jaw-Dropping Twist

Junie Sihlangu
Mar 06, 2024
08:22 A.M.

Restaurant dates can either go very well or quite bad as seen in these stories. From dates being racist to husbands claiming they forgot their wallets when the bill came, and more, read on to hear these shocking tales.


These four stories show how badly things can go during restaurant dates. One person invited a woman for a special date, only to learn during the occasion that she's racist! Another person had to pay for her birthday dinner because her husband claimed he forgot his wallet. Get comfortable as you read because you're in for a crazy ride!

A man and woman smiling at each other with their foreheads touching | Source: Shutterstock

A man and woman smiling at each other with their foreheads touching | Source: Shutterstock

My Husband Expected Me to Pay for My Own Birthday Dinner, Claiming He Forgot His Wallet

Henry, my husband, and I recently got married, embarking on this new chapter later in life as we focused on our careers first. Sure, it was later in life because we were those people who wanted to work on our careers before even thinking about family life. My husband is a successful engineer, and I am a pediatrician — suffice it to say, my experience with crying babies has convinced me that I did not want my own.

A married couple walking hand-in-hand | Source: Pixabay

A married couple walking hand-in-hand | Source: Pixabay

Anyway, I thought getting into a marriage later would mean there would be less to worry about because people my age would know who they are and what they want, but I was so wrong. It turns out that even in their 40s people can reveal entirely new aspects of themselves.

Yesterday was my 40th birthday, so to celebrate, Henry suggested we have a birthday dinner after work, inviting my parents since they live nearby. Usually, our date nights meant pizza and a movie at home because we would be so exhausted from work.

A fancy restaurant | Source: Pexels

A fancy restaurant | Source: Pexels


So, this was new and great. Henry told me he made reservations at one of the fanciest restaurants around — somewhere we always wanted to go, but we just never had the time. Everything was going great until it was time to pay the $1,100 bill.

It wasn't a shock; we knew where we were and the price that came with it. But what happened next really shocked me. Henry, with a straight face, turns to me and smiles, saying:

"Hey, Darling, it's your birthday, so I thought you would pay. I didn't bring my wallet."

Dirty and empty dishes at restaurant | Source: Unsplash

Dirty and empty dishes at restaurant | Source: Unsplash

He ran his finger across his empty plate, getting the last bit of sauce. Other than the chatter of diners around us, it was silent. My parents and I were floored. My father, visibly upset, said to Henry, "Shame on you. You invited us to dinner for Nora's birthday. You can afford to do it, don't get me wrong, but how can you not pay for your wife's birthday dinner?"


My husband just grinned awkwardly, utterly oblivious to our discomfort, while dad continued, "Did you even buy her a birthday present, or did you expect her to do that too?"

Glasses on champagne being filled with the beverage | Source: Unsplash

Glasses on champagne being filled with the beverage | Source: Unsplash

I was too shocked by Henry to defend him. And I couldn't even answer my father, because my husband didn't get me a birthday present — I thought this dinner was the present. "Henry, this is embarrassing," I said after a moment.

I didn't want to retaliate, but the more he sipped on champagne, the more irritable I got. I questioned, "Why did you make such a big fuss about my birthday if you expect me to pay for it all? I don't mind because it was dinner with my parents, but you embarrassed us both at the end of the day?"

A person paying a bill | Source: Unsplash

A person paying a bill | Source: Unsplash

Still, Henry said nothing while my parents exchanged glances, clearly appalled. I paid the bill with a deep sigh, and when we left, I felt disappointed and humiliated. This was precisely what my parents warned me about — they were glad when I finally met Henry, but leading up to the wedding, they warned me about being with someone who would use me.

I confronted Henry about his thoughtless behavior when we got home, telling him, "It's not about the money. It's about the principle." But he dismissed it, claiming that he left his wallet on his bedside table when we rushed out of the house.

A wallet, phone and bracelet on a table | Source: Pexels

A wallet, phone and bracelet on a table | Source: Pexels


He said that he didn't think I would mind covering the bill. There was no remorse whatsoever. He showed absolutely no understanding of what I felt about it all. The dinner incident had become a turning point, making me reassess our relationship's dynamics.

Henry attempted an apology this morning, but the damage was done. This birthday has undeniably become a pivotal moment. It feels like I married a stranger. The original poster concluded by asking for any advice or similar experiences from readers.

A woman sitting on couch contemplating something | Source: Unsplash

A woman sitting on couch contemplating something | Source: Unsplash

Redditor Suspects Her Date Has Fraudulent Ideas and Blocks Him after He Learns Her Last Name

Many women have first-date horror stories to share, with most being posted online. One woman shared an unforgettable experience with a man on Reddit, sharing how they dined in an expensive restaurant of her choice.

A man and woman on a date | Source: Getty Images

A man and woman on a date | Source: Getty Images

When the original poster (OP) was first asked by the man on a date, she had no initial thoughts on where their dinner would be. However, when he asked her which restaurant was her favorite, she honestly named an expensive one.

She clarified that the dishes there were pricey and offered them to dine somewhere more casual. OP even suggested a Mexican restaurant that offered great food for a better price, as her favorite eatery would cost the pair around $500.

A woman looking worried while a man appears faded in the background | Source: Shutterstock

A woman looking worried while a man appears faded in the background | Source: Shutterstock


Given the hefty price range, her date still opted to dine at her favorite restaurant as he wanted to try the food. The woman revealed that her first dates were often held in more casual places. She only dined at her favorite establishment during celebrations, special occasions, or times when she wished for a treat.

OP found that the restaurant wasn't as necessary on the first date, given she is more interested in knowing her date's personality and life story than satisfying her stomach. On her evening outing with her new date, the duo ordered appetizers, main courses, and drinks.

A couple holding hands while enjoying dessert and coffee | Source: Pexels

A couple holding hands while enjoying dessert and coffee | Source: Pexels

The conversation flowed well, and they even ordered dessert. However, OP knew their bill would be expensive, and when it came, she and her date both offered to split it, with her saying:


"I hesitated and said it after he was saying it because he asked me out and also insisted we went there after he read the menu."

A payment system and receipt | Source: Getty Images

A payment system and receipt | Source: Getty Images

Asked for separate checks during first dates was normal for OP, thinking her dates may be unsure about paying for the meal of a woman they weren't keen on. When the separate bills came, she placed her card on the table, and her date mimicked her.

The server returned to take their cards, but OP's date grabbed hers, revealing he'd cover both checks. Then he looked at her card and commented, "Oh, now I finally know your last name." While saying that, a different thought ran through OP's mind.

A couple sitting together with separate bills after having a date | Source: Pexels

A couple sitting together with separate bills after having a date | Source: Pexels


Being a bartender, she deals with transactions and cards and has a co-worker who memorizes numbers quickly, which could lead to fraud or a felony. Meanwhile, OP was also annoyed by her date changing his mind and choosing to pay for everything.

She suspected he was playing mind games with her, presumably to see if she would pay half the bill. "I felt like he was checking to see if I was a gold digger or something," despite telling him not to go there on their first date, she explained.

A worried woman holding the bridge of her nose and glasses in her other hand | Source: Pexels

A worried woman holding the bridge of her nose and glasses in her other hand | Source: Pexels

After dinner, she thanked him, returned home, and blocked him. She explained that his looking at her card ticked her off, especially since she hadn't wished to tell him her last name. After reading replies to her Reddit post, OP sent the man money for her part in the bill, as readers advised.

A woman looking unimpressed while having coffee | Source: Pexels

A woman looking unimpressed while having coffee | Source: Pexels

The Redditor said she'd since learned her lesson. Many Reddit users sided with her and claimed she had every right to cut off any man who made her feel uncomfortable. However, some believed she was overthinking things.

Vegetarian Girlfriend Refuses to Pay for Her Boyfriend's Meat, Leading to a Fallout

On June 17, 2023, a Reddit contributor turned to the "AITA" subreddit to express her frustrations. The 18-year-old explained that she and her boyfriend, John, 20, had been dating for just under a year. Their relationship was primarily free of toxicity but had some tension due to her vegetarian lifestyle.

A young couple sitting and laughing on a sofa | Source: Shutterstock

A young couple sitting and laughing on a sofa | Source: Shutterstock


The teenager's commitment to vegetarianism began at age 11 and was driven by strong moral beliefs. What irked her partner was her refusal to spend her money on meat. When she started earning her own money, OP vowed not to use it on meat products, leading to conflicts with her boyfriend in their dining outings.

Usually, they split the bill, or John sometimes covered the whole thing. However, she had explicitly stated that she would happily pay for both meals if he chose a meat-free option, but he seldom did.

A happy couple enjoying food in a restaurant | Source: Shutterstock

A happy couple enjoying food in a restaurant | Source: Shutterstock

The times he paid for her meals were limited to when she spent her money on joint activities, such as concerts and festivals. During these occasions, she spent €120+ ($130) on tickets while he paid roughly €50 ($54) for food.


Days before posting her Reddit story, OP and her boyfriend patronized his favorite upscale restaurant to celebrate his birthday. He indulged in the priciest steak, pairing it with a side salad and a bottle of wine.

A couple raising glasses for a toast in a fine dining restaurant | Source: Shutterstock

A couple raising glasses for a toast in a fine dining restaurant | Source: Shutterstock

When the meal concluded, she asked the waiter for separate bills, prompting a shocked reaction from John. Realizing she wasn't joking, a perplexed response came from her boyfriend. He assumed she would foot the bill because it was his birthday, with him claiming he hadn't budgeted for the meal.

Perplexed, she questioned his assumption, reminding him of her longstanding rule about not spending her money on meat. He didn't have any rationale for his expectations apart from noting that it was his birthday.

An open leather bill holder with restaurant check and pen | Source: Shutterstock

An open leather bill holder with restaurant check and pen | Source: Shutterstock

OP attempted to compromise, offering to cover the cost of the side salad and wine while he paid for the steak. However, her proposition only fueled his anger, prompting him to storm off to the bathroom as he was furious.

Trying to salvage the situation, OP paid for her meal, the wine, and the salad, patiently waiting for his return. After waiting for 20 minutes without any sign of him, she decided to leave, puzzled by his unexpected reaction and disappearance.

A woman using her phone in a restaurant | Source: Shutterstock

A woman using her phone in a restaurant | Source: Shutterstock


OP discovered him sitting on a nearby bench close to where they had parked the car. Confused, she asked about his abrupt departure and told him he still needed to pay for his portion. His shock was palpable, with him seemingly unaware of the payment she had made.

Her clarification about covering everything except the meat only turned his reaction explosive. He unleashed a barrage of accusations, labeling her as selfish and urging her to grow up. OP remained composed despite his behavior and insisted that he needed to return to the restaurant and settle the bill.

A couple arguing in a restaurant | Source: Shutterstock

A couple arguing in a restaurant | Source: Shutterstock

However, he scoffed at her suggestion and walked away defiantly. Faced with his refusal to take responsibility, OP decided to drive home without him, left to grapple with the aftermath of his unexpected outburst.


OP's boyfriend later blamed her for being banned from his favorite restaurant, citing the dine-and-dash incident as the reason. His accusations pushed her to seek assistance from the Reddit community, questioning the righteousness of her actions.

A woman looking unsure about her decision | Source: Pexels

A woman looking unsure about her decision | Source: Pexels

When asked why she didn't treat her boyfriend on his birthday, OP clarified that she had dipped into her savings to buy him a gift. She also emphasized that she hadn't initiated the dinner outing, as it was his suggestion. Most readers sided with her, with some noting how her relationship was on its last legs.

Indian Man Ditches Interracial Date after Experiencing Her Racist Side

An Indian man went on a date with a white woman he had a crush on from his gym. However, he discovered that her personality did not align with his. The date went so badly that he knew he never wanted to see her again, blocking her number.

A woman smiling at her date | Source: Getty Images

A woman smiling at her date | Source: Getty Images

He also considered taking more drastic measures to ensure he would never have to see her again. The original poster turned to Reddit to share his story and find out if he was wrong for leaving his date and blocking her number. Going to the beginning of the story, he explains that for their first date, he booked a Korean barbecue restaurant.

They sat at the bar for a while, waiting for their table, and when they were finally seated, his date asked what the fire on the table was for. The original poster was shocked that his date didn't know what a Korean barbecue was but explained the concept to her, telling her that they would be grilling their food themselves, to which she asked:

"But why do we have to do all the work?"

A Korean barbecue setup | Source: Getty Images

A Korean barbecue setup | Source: Getty Images

The Reddit user told his date he thought it was fun but that they could order off the a la carte menu if she was not interested in the barbecue. She insisted that the restaurant staff should do everything for them. Although embarrassed by her behavior, the original poster wanted to see the date through.

By the end of their meal, she asked for dessert. He agreed and requested a menu from the waitress. After the waitress handed them the menu and walked away, his date made derogatory remarks about the restaurant staff, suggesting they were "useless immigrants" and that she was worried they were there illegally and using American tax dollars.

Upset woman at a restaurant | Source: Pexels

Upset woman at a restaurant | Source: Pexels


A nearby group heard what she said and began whispering amongst themselves. The original poster's date noticed this and started to say awful things about them too, even using a racist slur that targeted Pakistani people. The Reddit user was horrified by this and was shocked that his date would use a slur against the group, considering he was Indian. But when she saw his expression, she clarified:

"Oh no, I don't mean Latinos. They're fine. I LOVE Mexican food."

A chocolate cake dessert | Source: Getty Images

A chocolate cake dessert | Source: Getty Images

Despite his disappointment over her mistaking him for Latino instead of Indian, the original poster decided to stay until the end of dessert. He then got up to use the bathroom, paid their bill with a tip, and left the restaurant.


The original poster left his date at the restaurant, despite having driven them there, and then blocked her number after he got home. He even considered switching gyms to avoid seeing her there again.

A person paying the bill | Source: Getty Images

A person paying the bill | Source: Getty Images

The Reddit user clarified that he only left her at the restaurant because he did not feel like he could spend twenty minutes in the car with her after what she had said and done on their date. He asked netizens if he was wrong.

Many people supported his decision to leave and block her number, commending him for still paying the bill despite her behavior. However, others criticized him for leaving it to the restaurant staff to explain his departure to the woman. Some felt that he should have explained his reasons for leaving.

An upset man sitting on a couch | Source: Getty Images

An upset man sitting on a couch | Source: Getty Images

For more intriguing stories, click here to read about a man dealing with his sister's "habitual forgetfulness" regarding her wallet whenever they went out together.

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