Little girl brutally killed by 'mentally ill' relative
Jasmine Forrester's uncle was found guilty of manslaughter after police found he had bludgeoned his niece to death with a table leg.
BBC reported the devastating story that emerged out of Wolverhampton where Jasmine's uncle, Delroy Forrester visited his 79-year-old mother's house and harmed both she and the young girl.
But it was Jasmine who was fatally attacked. Despite Delroy's mother's attempts at protecting the child, reports showed that he impacted over 100 wounds on Jasmine.
Delroy was still in the act when officers arrived on the scene. They rushed the child to the hospital but she later succumbed to the "catastrophic" injuries.
Psychiatrist Dr. Dinesh Maganty described a tumor growth in Delroy as the cause of his uncontrollable actions during the incident. A brain tumor was removed in 1999 but had re-grown.
It was reported that the case showed "clear evidence of epilepsy and psychosis."
Delroy was found guilty of manslaughter, but avoided a guilty murder charger based on being "legally insane."
A victim impact statement from Jasmine's father, Simeon Forrester, spoke of how he embraced his daughter as she was dying and "urged her to be brave on her onward journey."
He said:
"I would give anything to change places with Jasmine; to take away the terror and pain she suffered that night."
The jury also heard the story of how Delroy sang "You are the Lord my God..." upon his arrest after the incident.
Prosecutor Jonathan Rees QC said:
"An officer asked whether the child was safe and the defendant responded by singing that the child wasn't safe and he was a bad man."
Seemingly conversely, he also said:
"The devil had to die, I kill her blud... the devil is dead ."
Reportedly, Tyler was upset from the day before, when Jasmine had entered the Penn Hospital and went to the crisis team who told her there was nothing they could do to help her mentally unstable uncle.
Close friends and relatives also said he was "getting messages through the TV telling him what to say" and also mentioned demons in his head.
The sentencing of Delroy will take place on September 24.