Woman's mysterious illness baffles doctors until contractors reveal she’s being poisoned
Kathi Wilson started to fall ill almost ten years ago and gradually became so weak that she could hardly walk a few steps even with the help of a cane or walker.
40-year-old Wilson, from Shelbyville, Indiana, couldn't believe that she walked like an 80-year-old.
She had consulted many doctors who put her through hundreds of tests, but they were unable to diagnose her illness.
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But a pair of home contractors came to her rescue and pointed out the exact reason for illness, WTHR reported on May 23, 2018.
Some rare types of illnesses defy medical explanation, and Wilson seemed to have been a victim of one of them.
Wilson began to experience extreme amounts of fatigue and would get dizzy and lightheaded. She caught on bronchitis and pneumonia as well.
The problem got so severe that she lost the ability to use her left leg and gradually the same started to happen to her right leg.
She was no longer able to concentrate on anything and began to get nervous twitches, according to WTHR News.
She continued her visits to the doctors, always hoping they would come up with some sort treatment to cure her sickness but all she got through those visits were medical bills.
Doctors made Wilson undergo blood tests, heart tests, cat scans, spinal taps, EKG's and MRI's but kept insisting that there were no problems with her health.
Her doctor, Dr. Mary Beth Hensley, further explained: “[She had] cardiac testing, chest x-rays, MRI’s [of] the brain, the spine, to see if something was related. I felt we were very thorough but didn’t come up with a solution.”
Even when her daughter and husband developed chronic bronchitis and bouts of pneumonia, Wilson never imagined that all this could be linked.
It was only when three contractors were hired to renovate her bathroom, did Wilson finally get to know the reason behind her mysterious illness.
Mike Evans from Brothers Contracting said that the Wilson family was being poisoned.
Contractors Mike Evans and Luze Duran, along with Doug Tucker from BeSpoke Construction, discovered that Wilson's home was full of carbon monoxide.
The house had a faultily vented furnace, and there had been two gas leaks in the water heater.
Duran claimed that the situation at Wilson's home was the worst that he had seen. Even though the family had set up a dual carbon monoxide-smoke detector on the ceiling, they realized that the roof wasn't the best place for it.
Evans told them that the floor is the better place to keep the detector because carbon monoxide settles closer to the floor. That was also the reason the alarm on the ceiling never went off.
Wilson and her family were grateful that the contractors were there and that they finally solved the medical mystery that had left her in such poor health.
She called the contractors her angles who brought her life back, and she plans to spread her story to warn others of the dangers that she and her family faced.
There are quite a few illnesses people are unaware of with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CPRS), which results in an enormous amount of discomfort that doesn't go away, being one of them.
The mysterious condition is also known as “suicide disease” because the majority of people that are affected by it, tend to commit suicide.
NCBI shared that patients diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, are subjected to intense pain, which is linked with a higher chance of suicide.
According to Barcroft TV, a woman named Kayla Hansen from Arizona was diagnosed with the worst case of CRPS.
Hansen, 29, felt like her body had been set on fire and the disease had even stopped her from doing everyday things like driving or even washing hands.
Hansen's symptoms are so extreme that many doctors have said that Kayla's is the worst case of CRPS they have ever seen.