Big wild animal shocked visitors by walking into the lobby of the Stanley Hotel
The repeat of an incident inspiring Stephen King’s ‘The Shining’ occurs at The Stanley Hotel.
‘The Shining’ was written by King after he and his wife stayed at the hotel in 1974.
Inspiration came in the form of a black bear wandering the lobby.
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The horror film, which got shot on another location featured various weird scenes.
Amongst them scenes of a creepy pair of twin girls haunting the hallways, a man in a furry bear suit making a memorable appearance.
Not to mention the gory elevator scenes.
This hotel got its fame for being the inspiration behind Stephen King’s ‘The Shining’, based on the classic 1980 film.
Situated in Estes Park, The Stanley Hotel opened in 1909. Their aim is to be respectful of nature and the surrounding wildlife.
Reed Rowley, the hotel’s vice president understands that guests don’t want to encounter dangerous wildlife in the hotel lobby.
In conjunction with Colorado Parks and Wildlife, they are working to achieve that goal.
This incident that unfolded early on Thursday morning and the events inspiring King’s novel both have one thing in common; a black bear wandering the lobby.
“We do have a hotel next to a national park,” Rowley said. “Wildlife is part of the gig.”
300 Guests were sound asleep when the bear figured out how to open the door.
He climbed over furniture which got rearranged but there was no damage.
Soon after the bear walked out the lower level door.
The Stanley Hotel is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Bears are intelligent, curious and playful. A good example of this can be seen in Confused bears have no idea how to react to a pink balloon.
These bears at the Beekse Bergen Safari Park near Tilburg in the Netherlands can be seen playing with pink balloons that drifted into their enclosure.
Brown bears amuse many with a particular trait. Needing to scratch an itch. The following article If you go down to the woods today...Brown bear just can't stop 'twerking' to scratch his itch against a tree, will share the story of how this transpired.

Source: Caters News Agency