Heroic Marine horse honored for service in the Korean War
A horse named Sgt. Reckless received a posthumous award for her military service with the U.S. Marines during the Korean War in 1952 and 1953.
The mare was awarded the Dickin Medal, the animal equivalent of the Victoria Star, for her bravery on the battlefield and her dedication to the mission, which can be seen in the video below.
As reported by ABC News, Sgt. Reckless was a beloved member of the U.S. Marine Corps and having her service recognized by the People's Dispensary for Sick Animals was truly special.
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Lieut. Col. Michael Skaggs stepped up to accept the award on behalf of the U.S. Marine Corps, considering that Reckless passed away back in 1968, in California.
According to Lieut. Col. Skaggs, 'the conditions that Reckless found herself in were truly perilous, and her bravery and tenacity to push forward were remarkable.'
Reckless was bought by Lieut. Col. Eric Patterson for $250 dollars of his own money after realizing that his men could use some help on the battlefield.
The mare became a part of the anti-tank division of the 5th Marines as an ammunition carrier and received special training, including survival skills, how to avoid barbed wire and how to take cover under fire.
According to a PDSA statement, Reckless made a total of 51 trips from an ammunition supply point to several firing sites through the course of five days in 1953.
The brave animal climbed very steep mountains while dodging enemy bullets and carrying 'over 9,000' pounds worth of ammunition, which proved to be crucial in battle.
"She would carry wounded soldiers down the mountain to safety, unload them and get reloaded with ammunition to go back up to the guns. Although wounded twice, she didn't let it stop her or slow her down. There's no way to account for the number of lives she saved"
People's Dispensary for Sick Animals, ABC News, July 2016
Just like Sgt. Reckless, several other animals, especially dogs, fight for their country overseas. Unfortunately, not all of them return home, but 92 dogs were able to and the operation was turned in a short documentary titled "Coming Home."
Thanks to AMK9, the leading global provider of K9 Detection Services, the canine heroes returned to the U.S., and have either been assigned to new jobs in the country or were adopted by loving families through Piper's Playhouse.