Heartbreaking video shows legally blind teenager being bullied by his classmates
North Carolina law enforcement has been forced to launch a criminal investigation after a video went viral on Facebook of a legally blind high school student being bullied and having his phone stolen and broken by his peers.
The video, uploaded by Donna Morton last Tuesday, has gone viral after she explained what had happened. She said that her nephew, Michael Wishon, who just turned 17 on that day, was in a masonry class at South Strokes High School when a classmate of his took his iPhone 5 and smashed it with a brick.
The bully even had the audacity of using his own phone to record himself taunting Michael, who is blind in one eye and has multiple disabilities, while the rest of their classmates looked on and laughed at him.
The cellphone video also shows how Michael's masonry teacher even lectured him for keeping his phone out in the open and not in his bag, as it would have never been broken.
The bully even records himself approaching Michael and mockingly apologizing for his loss.
After the bully just received a one-day suspension after the principal ruled it was "horse play and not a malicious act", people were angered. However, after the video went viral, they decided to re-open the case and even forwarded it to the Sherfif's Office for further investigation.
People from across America have rallied to help the poor boy, who his mother claims has been going home with chewed bubblegum on him every day. After everything, a ton of support has reached him, just like how dozens of Bikers Against Bullies USA escourted him to school and held a silent protest on his behalf against bullying.
Someone even started a GoFundMe to replace his broken phone and even throw in a birthday party for him.