
Woman harassed for wearing Puerto Rico shirt 'in America' as officer just stood by in viral video

Monica Otayza
Oct 30, 2018
05:52 A.M.

A woman dressed in a Puerto Rico shirt while at a local park was berated by a man, and a police officer just stood by and watched without even helping the woman.


Now, that police officer has been identified after the video went viral on social media, which prompted him to resign from his job. The Cook County Forest Preserve officer was seen standing on the scene while watching a man verbally abuse a woman for wearing a Puerto Rico shirt.

Source: Facebook / Mia Irizzary

Source: Facebook / Mia Irizzary

Seeing what was wrong with his actions, the officer quickly resigned after the video went viral. He is now under investigation after he is seen to be ignoring a woman's cry for help, as a man kept verbally abusing her for wearing a Puerto Rico shirt while at a birthday party in the park area. His non-action has been a cause for this debate as to whether or not he should be charged with a case.

Meanwhile, the man that was seen berating the woman has been charged with assault, as reported by NBC Chicago.

Source: Facebook / Mia Irizarry

Source: Facebook / Mia Irizarry

"Effective today, Officer Patrick Connor no longer serves in the police department of the Forest Preserves of Cook County. He resigned late today. But that isn’t where our work ends."

Source: Facebook / Mia Irizarry

Source: Facebook / Mia Irizarry


The whole ordeal was filmed by a woman named Mia Irizarry, which occurred at the Caldwell Woods forest preserve. The man who was charged with assault was later on identified as Timothy Trybus, who began telling the woman that her shirt with the Puerto Rican flag "should not be worn in the United States of America".

When the woman says that she feels "highly uncomfortable" and asks the officer to get the man, he turns around and walks back towards his car.


His ignoring of the woman has now gotten him into so much trouble, and he could possibly face charges aside from his loss of job due to the incident.


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