A sick 2-year-old boy receives a bag full of gifts from trashman
A 2-year-old boy receives a backpack full of surprises from a trash service driver with whom he had formed a friendship.
The young boy, Evan Brenneman, has reportedly developed a liking for an orange trash truck that stops at his Plainfield, Ind., home.
He had made it a habit of looking out for the truck every Thursday and had become friends with the driver.
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According to Evan’s mother, he always made sure they waited on their porch to greet the trash truck as it made its weekly rounds.
“We can hear it coming down the road,”
Natalie Brenneman said,
"so he would run to the window and watch it.”
She said Evan had always been fascinated with anything that had wheels, but this particular truck caught his utmost attention.
So, on Thursdays, very early, he’d wake his mother up to watch the truck.This went on for a while, until one day, James popped out and said:
‘hey, do you want to come see the truck?’
How happy that must have made Evan.

His mother described her joy at her son’s newfound friendship with the truck driver;
“Oh my gosh, my heart bursts every time. I know he’s in the middle of his workday and probably wants to get it done quickly, but he stops and talks to Evan. He always gets down on his level, looks him in the eye, hugs him, and offers him a high-five.” -she said
The young boy and older man relationship is a good thing for Evan, who has Prada-Willi syndrome, a genetic disorder that tricks his body into thinking he’s always hungry.
Ray’s Trash Service has twice sponsored the family’s annual walk to raise awareness and funding for PWS research. Their bond grew so tight; James and his family attended his birthday celebration as he turned three this month. That must have been so special to the young Brenneman although he was saddened at the fact that James didn’t come with his obsession- the truck!
The weekly meet and greet continued as usual but this week, dear Evan got a surprise from his friend!
The orange truck had stopped by, as usual, bearing his driver friend and a backpack full of goodies. His gift even included a little orange trash truck.
“Now, you’re an official Rays employee,” -Bullock announced as he pulled the backpack out of the truck.
Evan was left fascinated. That priceless grin on his face was everything and more.
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