Mom gives birth to triplets after conceiving a baby via IVF and twins naturally in the same week
Beata Bienias ended up giving birth to triplets after she conceived twins naturally and fell pregnant with an IVF baby just days apart.
The 36-year-old mother from Corsham, Wiltshire delivered baby Amelia and twins Matylda and Borys via C-section, as reported by Daily Mail.
"I have never encountered anyone who has conceived naturally before, or around the time of, embryo transfer, and then gone on to become pregnant via the IVF cycle as well."
Her delivery took place at the Royal United Hospital on December 13, 2018, after eight and a half months of pregnancy.
Bienias, a factory worker, was earlier concerned that she would never have children naturally. She and her husband, Pawel, 40, made the decision to get pregnant through embryo transfer in May last year. Bienias didn’t realize that she was already pregnant with twins just days earlier.
Fertility expert Emma Cannon described her pregnancy as “almost impossible”.
“In my 25 years as a fertility specialist, I have only come across one or two scenarios in which women have fallen pregnant whilst undergoing IVF treatment," said Cannon, who has worked in the field for 25 years and founded the Emma Cannon Clinic in Chelsea, London.
"But this has happened before the embryo transfer takes place - and they then choose to proceed with the natural pregnancy, and do not proceed with the IVF cycle."
"I have never encountered anyone who has conceived naturally before, or around the time of, embryo transfer, and then gone on to become pregnant via the IVF cycle as well. But I also know that there is much we do not understand and miracles do happen,” she added.
Bienias’s incredible pregnancy calls to mind another jaw-dropping pregnancy story in New Orleans. Courtney Garret became pregnant with triplets twice.
Courtney and Phillip Garret turned to IV fertilization in 2009, desperately wanting to conceive. But pregnancy didn't come right away. Weeks of waiting turned into months. She was about to give up when her doctor shared the happy news.
During her last treatment, she was fertilized with two embryos, and one of the ova divided during the blastocyst stage, which meant she had three viable and fertilized eggs.
Nine months later, she gave birth to three beautiful and healthy babies; Ellie, Jack, and Oliver. The couple finally had their miracle and were ready to raise their family.
The triplets celebrated their 7th birthday in 2017, and Courtney wanted to try for another baby. The couple attempted IVF one more time, hoping they would be able to conceive a younger sibling for their triplets.
Again, her doctor had shocking news for the couple - she was expecting triplets again.