Cher slams Dem. Howard Schultz for considering a presidental run by comparing him to Trump
The announcement that former Starbucks CEO is “seriously considering running for president” in the 2020 elections made the music star react by pointing out that he is just another Trump.
Since 65-year-old Howard Schultz made public his intentions of running for president, Democrats who expect to vote Trump out of the presidency in the upcoming race have condemned the businessman.
Most Democrats fear that Schultz’s run as a self-described “central independent” candidate will divide the vote against Trump and will make it possible for him to become elected for a second period, but Cher’s fears are of another nature.
One day after Schultz tweeted about his plans, the 72-year-old singer reacted with a strong message in which she implies that the long-time Democrat is actually a Republican in disguise.
In her January 28 tweet, Cher threatened to never go to Starbucks again, maybe hoping to inspire others to do the same in order to dissuade Schultz from present himself as an alternative to President Trump.
Schultz, on the other hand, seems to have had enough of feuding with Trump on Twitter, and he wants to take the fight to the electoral ground. “I think, like most people, I’ve become bored with President Trump and his tweets,” he said.
“Trump was a narcissistic crooked businessman who knew nothing about politics or being president. Do we want a Republican in (sheep) clothing!?” the “Believe” singer wrote.
Cher’s angry tweet was retweeted more than 1.300 times in a little more than 24 hours and has been liked more than 7.700 times, with Twitter users entering into an intense debate about Schultz’s candidacy.
“Boycott Starbucks!! I'm not stepping foot inside one until he's gone from the picture!” user Gary Maccarone said, agreeing with the pop legend.
“He may have good intentions, but since he is a moderate liberal, he would be siphoning votes from a Democratic candidate. And Trump will win. So I hope he either runs as a Democrat in the primaries or doesn't run at all,” added a user.
“I don't know about you, but after Trump, I'm done with the idea of making American oligarchs president. Schultz, go make coffee,” expressed someone else.
Schultz has always been a known supporter of the Democratic Party up until now, but according to him, both traditional parties have radicalized, making a necessity for him to run independently.
“We have a broken political system with both parties basically in business to preserve their own ideology without recognition and responsibility to represent the interests of the American people,” Schultz shared with the New York Times.
Schultz has explained his position further by saying that the Democratic Party “has shifted so far to the left” with their progressive agenda.
Such statement and Trump’s apparent excitement over a third-party siphoning votes from Democrats have been more than enough to raise the alarms of liberals.
Trump reacted with a defying tweet that looks more like an attempt at reverse psychology to goad his frequent critic into the race.“Howard Schultz doesn’t have the “guts” to run for President! Watched him on @60Minutes last night and I agree with him that he is not the ‘smartest person,’” the Head of State tweeted.
According to the New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman, Trump told people at a fundraising event in Washington that he was, in fact, trying to persuade Schultz to go on with his plan.
Schultz, on the other hand, seems to have had enough of feuding with Trump on Twitter, and he wants to take the fight to the electoral ground. “I think, like most people, I’ve become bored with President Trump and his tweets,” he said.
But there is no doubt that Cher won’t give up on her social media militancy against President Trump, which she started back in 2015 when Trump first announced his run for president.
“After today I can no longer call him President Trump… From this day forward… he’s ‘President Troll,’” she tweeted on May 9, 2017.
“Why is he (President Trump) always thrilled 2meet with murdering strong men,=Putin, Duterte, Erdogan, El Sisi, Kim Jung Un? Daddy issues?” she wrote on May 1, 2017.
Cher’s attacks on the US President are not limited to social media. She once spoke out strongly against him at a Democratic rally for the Hillary Clinton campaign, and let’s not forget the time she preferred eating a cow’s tongue than saying something nice about Trump.