Lifestyle guru B. Smith is suffering from Alzheimer’s while husband is dating a new woman
B. Smith's husband gets criticized for dating a new woman while tending to her. B. has been suffering from Alzheimer's since 2014.
It’s been five years since Lifestyle Guru B. Smith was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. And her husband, Dan Gasby who’s been tending to her all this time has reportedly moved on with another woman.
Dan met Alex Lerner in 2017 and they’ve reportedly been seeing each other ever since. And though he has his daughter Dana Gasby’s blessings, fans of B. weren’t too understanding about his new relationship.
In several tweets targeted at Dan, fans took offense at his new relationship, slamming him for bringing his new girlfriend to the home where he and B. live.
“You don’t bring your mistress in the house where your WIFE lives. She’s not dead”
Another commented that Alex must be “having her lifestyle funded by a black woman.”
A third commenter who described the relationship as “situation ethics at its best” added,
“Sorry, but there is no caveat to “in sickness and in health…There is no way B. would stand for this if she were in her right mind. I wish she had a “big, hulking” son to beat her libertine’s a**.”
But Dan’s family doesn’t see it that way. In fact, his daughter Dana was happy when she learned about Alex from Dan himself. She told the Washington Post,
“When he told me, I was like, ‘Thank God. I'm happy."'
She says Alex has been nothing but helpful in caring for B. with Dan.
“She’s in this house. She’s here every day”
Alex likewise told The Post that it makes her feel good to assist Dan with B.
'If I can be compassionate to her, if I can do anything for her, it makes me feel good.”
B.’s Alzheimer’s diagnosis came after years of suffering from symptoms of dementia. It started when she froze for several seconds while on an interview at the “Today Show.” A visit to the doctor led to prescriptions of anti-depressants and tests later revealed she had early onset Alzheimer’s.
Her illness got worse months later when B. went missing in Long Island and was later found in New York. In March, Dan spoke of the reality of living with B.’s condition.
“It’s tough. She’s the greatest thing that ever happened to me and it’s tough watching this transition.”
Despite this, Dan was determined to fight the disease with his wife and help find a cure for it.
“You learn time is precious and, that at the end of the day, you should do some good. We got dealt a tough hand but we’re going to play the hand for others, not just ourselves.”
Dan believes that among all the diseases, Alzheimer’s “is the most dramatic because this is the one that separates you from your humanness.” As such, he encourages those who have issues with cognitive degeneration or dementia to open up and talk about it so it can be addressed.
The late singer Glenn Campbell who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2011 also believed in the importance of promoting awareness about the disease. In 2014, his wife of 32 years, Kim Woolen recalled the singer telling her, “We need to let people know about this disease, we need to do something about it.” Kim added that Glenn “made himself vulnerable, because he wanted to make a difference.”
Glenn passed away in August 2017 after losing his battle with the disease. Kim said she made his passing as comfortable as possible. He was surrounded by family, with his music playing and doors open. “It was beautiful, tranquil, and serene,” she said.