
Daily Joke: A Woman Takes Her Gravely Ill Bird to the Vet

Rebelander Basilan
Oct 07, 2019
08:00 P.M.

Here's a joke about the woman who decided to bring her severely ill bird into the vet that will get you giggling.


At some point, the woman notices that her bird is gravely sick. She immediately brings the poor creature into the vet.

A Macaw perching on woman's hand | Photo: Pexels

A Macaw perching on woman's hand | Photo: Pexels

The vet rushes her back to the examination room. But sadly, the bird passes on before he can do anything for it.

After the vet tells the woman that her bird has passed away, she refuses to believe him. She then requests that he run tests to confirm the bird's death.

A vet working with blood sample | Photo: Freepik

A vet working with blood sample | Photo: Freepik


The vet goes into the next room and comes back with a dog that he takes up to the examination table.

The dog lifts itself up by its front paws, sniffs the bird, lets out a cry, and a low moan as he lowers himself and gives the vet a distressed look. The vet returns into the next room and comes back with a cat that he puts on the table.

Vet feeding a dog in the clinic | Photo: Freepik

Vet feeding a dog in the clinic | Photo: Freepik

The cat approaches the bird, and delicately taps it with his front paw. He admires the vet and gives a scarcely perceptible shake of his head and hops off the table.

"Well, there you have it, ma'am. A second and a third opinion, and I'm very sorry for your loss, but the bird has passed on," the vet says.

Vet feeding a cat in the clinic | Photo: Freepik

Vet feeding a cat in the clinic | Photo: Freepik

The woman stops to argue and demands that the vet sends her a bill, which he cheerfully consents to do. After seven days, she gets the vet's bill for $1620. Frustrated, she calls the office to whine about the excessive amount.

The vet coolly clarifies, "The $20 is for the office visit, but the lab test and cat scan were $800 each."

Woman using a mobile phone | Photo: Pexels

Woman using a mobile phone | Photo: Pexels

Want to laugh some more? Check out this story of a man who goes out to sea and catches a few fish. He gets up right on time to prepare, hooks up his boat, and off he goes, throughout the day.

Source: Reddit

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