TMZ: California Man Who Died after Positive Coronavirus Test Visited Disney World 2 Weeks Prior
On Thursday morning, March 19, 2020, a 34-year-old California man passed away after testing positive for the coronavirus. Two weeks before his death, the man had visited Walt Disney World and Universal Studios in Florida.
According to his family, Jeffrey Ghazarian died at a Pasadena hospital after being hooked up to a ventilator and fighting for his life for five days. His sister, Lauren, had this to share:
"We will miss our Jeff everyday but we are thankful for all the fun happy memories of the times we had together."

Coronavirus quarantine sign | Photo: Pixabay/Alexey_Hulsov
Visiting Disney World
The young man’s case will, hopefully, be an eye-opener for all citizens no matter their age. Ghazarian’s family revealed that on March 2, the California citizen flew from Los Angeles to Orlando for a work conference.
After the event was over, he stayed for a few extra days to get a chance to visit Disney World and Universal theme parks with his friends. On March 7, he started developing a cough, and the following day he was coughing up blood.
Lauren updated her brother's Facebook account to keep family and friends updated.
Having pneumonia
Ghazarian managed to fly back to LAX on March 9 and he went to the ER immediately. At this point, the young man was also suffering from a high fever.
According to his family, his chest x-ray confirmed he had pneumonia, and he was tested for the coronavirus. He was sent home with fluids and antibiotics and told to self-quarantine until his results came back.
Testing positive for COVID-19
On March 13, his results sadly came back positive for the California man. He was then given a portable oxygen meter to monitor his levels, however, things suddenly became worse that same afternoon.
The following day he had to be taken by ambulance to a hospital. There he was transferred to ICU immediately when it was found that his lungs were 60 to 70 percent blocked with pneumonia.
Being put on a ventilator
That’s when doctors decided to sedate and “intubate” him. The medical professionals hoped putting him on a ventilator would allow his lungs to heal.
Patient’s approval for antiviral meds
His family revealed that he was approved for antiviral medication, but its arrival got delayed. Ghazarian eventually took a turn for the worse and passed away.
California man was high-risk patient
He was found to be a high-risk patient with a history of asthma and he also had bronchitis as a child. The young man eventually outgrew bronchitis.
Young people need to take care
In 2016, the Glendora resident underwent surgery for testicular cancer. The CDC states that young people can also be at serious risk.
Celebrities who have coronavirus
A number of stars have also fallen ill with the coronavirus in the past few weeks. Actors Tom Hanks and his wife, Rita Wilson, tested positive for the virus in Australia.
NBA stars Rudy Gobert and Kevin Durant have also caught the coronavirus, just to name a few.
We at AmoMama do our best to give you the most updated news regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, but the situation is constantly changing. We encourage readers to refer to the online updates from CDC, WHO, or Local Health Departments to stay updated. Take care!