
Man Refuses to Allow His Brother & Sister-in-Law to Use His Second Home for Their Honeymoon

Olowokandi Fiyin
Sep 02, 2020
05:00 P.M.

A man who has refused to allow his brother and sister-in-law to use his second home for their honeymoon in Paris wants to know if he's selfish.


When it comes to family members, some people believe in setting boundaries not to be walked all over. Others, however, believe in going beyond and above for their loved ones.

The former was the case of this man who took to Reddit to tell his story. He explained that his job has him constantly shuffling between the United States and Paris.

A man seats on a couch with his hand on his face while in deep thoughts | Photo: Unsplash

A man seats on a couch with his hand on his face while in deep thoughts | Photo: Unsplash

As a result of the job's inconsistency, he might be gone for as long as three months at times or just a week. However, per year, he spends about 4-6 months out of the country, staying in Paris.

Initially, he used to use hotels, but he became uncomfortable with them and decided to buy an apartment in the city. He disclosed that his second home is a one-bedroom apartment situated in a good location. Hence it was expensive.


The original poster didn't mind spending a huge amount in his second home, as it helped improve his lifestyle and productivity at work.

Recently, his brother and sister-in-law told him of their plans to stay in Paris to commemorate their 10th year wedding anniversary coming up in 2022.


While they don't have specific dates for their vacation or the amount of time they will spend, they are sure of one thing— staying at his apartment in Paris.

They didn't even seek his permission about staying with but only informed him to keep the whole of June 2022 available for them. The poster disagreed, explaining that there are many reasons why that won't work.

He reiterated that it was a one-bedroom apartment, and someone will have to be inconvenienced for the other. Also, even if he wants to leave his home for them, the only way it can happen is to take all his paid vacations in one month to have no work obligations.


Lastly, he doesn't want to give other family members the idea that his home is a vacation spot so that they don't take advantage of it. His brother and sister-in-law aren't happy about his refusal as they called him selfish and insisted it was the kind of favor family would do for each other. Now he wants to know if he is wrong for turning them down.

A similar story is that of a woman who refused to take in her husband's cousin and her newborn baby after she and her husband initially decided to adopt the baby, but the cousin changed her mind.

The cousin had initially agreed to the adoption, which made the couple very happy. They paid all the medical bills prior to and during the childbirth. Only to be dealt a blow when the mother of the child eventually decided to keep her baby.

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