Daily Joke: People Share Funny Quotes from Their Managers
Today's #jokeoftheday is about workers who shared funny quotes from their strict managers. Many of the bosses thought they were passing off instructions but they made no sense.
On a relaxing Saturday at the bar, strangers from all parts of town decided to talk about their worst experiences with their bosses and share hilarious quotes that were passed off as instructions. An IT worker went first, saying:
"We recently received a memo from senior management saying: 'This is to inform you that a memo will be issued today regarding the subject mentioned above.'"

A photo of a boss and workers during a meeting. | Photo: Shutterstock
Staff at a mining company recalled a meeting where their manager warned them that doing their job well was no reason for them to not finish on schedule. He told them that no one would ever believe they finished work in one day.
To finalize the meeting, their boss said to them, "Now, go act busy for a few weeks, and I'll let you know when it's time to tell them." Another worker shared that his boss urged that their email was not to be used to pass data or information.
Instead, he wanted them to use it for only company business. A manager at a logistics company approached one of the workers and asked him to provide a list of specific yet unknown problems they encounter daily.
A marketer was working on a project when his boss called him into the office. With a stern face, he told the worker, "This project is so important. We can't let things that are more important interfere with it."
Finally, the two winning quotes come from an engineer and an accountant. The engineer said that their manager told the workers personal security badges would be used to access the building from tomorrow during a staff meeting.
Confused about how they would get the badges, the manager told them not to worry because the company had set aside time next week for staff to take their pictures. He then said to them that the badges would be ready in two weeks.
The accountant, with a smile on his face, remembered an early morning meeting where his boss said to them, "Teamwork is a lot of people doing what I say."