Woman Becomes Rich and Drops Her Poor Sister, Later the Tables are Turned – Story of the Day
A woman who grows up poor and becomes a rich lawyer drops her poor sister who is a struggling artist, but years later she regrets it.
Anna and Ava Jennings grew up dirt poor in a dysfunctional family. Ava was the oldest by seven years, and it was she who shielded Anna from their alcoholic mother's bad temper and neglect. It was Ava who packed Anna's school lunch every morning and did her homework with her when she came home.
It was Ava who tucked Anna in at night and read her a story in her childish treble. It was Ava who fought for Anna to finish high school. She quit school and got a job so that Anna would get the chance she never had. But sadly, all her sacrifices would not be appreciated.

A woman in a hospital | Source: Shutterstock
When Anna was 18 she left for college. Thanks to her hard work and Ava's unwavering support, she graduated valedictorian from high school, and with a full scholarship to Berkley Law School. Ava drove Anna to the bus and hugged her goodbye.
"You're going to be a star, little sister," she whispered, hugging her fiercely, "It's your time to shine!" Ava watched Anna get on the bus. She noticed that her little sister never looked back, but she never imagined that it would be 18 years before she saw her again.
Ava enrolled herself in night school and went on to the local community college while working a full-time job. Every week she wrote Anna a letter, but she never got an answer. When she phoned Anna's dorm at college she was never there.
All she knew was that Anna was still at Berkley, and she had to be doing well, or her scholarship would have ceased. But why didn't Anna write back or take her calls? Ava made a decision. She wrote her sister a letter telling her she was coming to visit on the weekend.

Growing up poor and desperate | Source: Unsplash
Within days her phone rang. Ava immediately recognized Anna's voice and her heart soared. "Anna, sweetie, are you well? I've been so worried about you! I can't wait to see you..."
"I'm calling to tell you not to come, Ava, please. Stay away from me, OK?" Anna's voice said coldly.
We can't leave our past behind us, it follows us wherever we go.
Ava was stunned. "I don't understand. What's the matter? Are you in trouble?"
"I'm fine, and I'd be even better if you stopped calling and writing to me," Anna said.
"But hun, I just want to know if you are OK!" Ava exclaimed.

Dreaming of a better life | Source: Pexels
"Look, I've started a new life, with new friends. Here everyone likes me, admires me. I'm not the trailer trash girl with a trailer trash family anymore. Leave me alone, Ava!"
Anna slammed down the phone, and Ava wept as if her heart would break. She would stay away from her sister, however much it hurt her. She would leave her free to reinvent herself and start a new life.
Ava worked and studied and finished her Ph.D. in Psychology. She dedicated herself to working with wounded children like herself and Anna and making their lives better. She met a kind and loving man who was also a psychologist and married him.
Ava's life blossomed in ways she had never imagined. Her blighted childhood seemed a lifetime away. She was expecting her first child when she heard news of her sister through a newscast.

A successful young lawyer | Source: Pexels
The channel was reporting on a highly controversial murder case in New York City, and they showed a clip of the wealthy and influential defender walking up the courthouse steps with his lawyer. It was Anna!
The news mentioned the name of the prestigious law firm that was defending the man, so Ava called them and asked to speak to Anna. Anna's secretary asked Ava to identify herself, then returned after a long pause. "Ms. Jennings is not available. Please don't call again," the woman said.
Ava was saddened, but she accepted her sister's decision. Two months later she gave birth to her daughter and named her Alma. Ava was happy in her marriage and fulfilled in her work. She had a beautiful happy family, her only sorrow was her estrangement from her sister.
Little Alma was 10 when Ava received a phone call from the New York-Presbyterian Hospital telling her they had a patient named Anna Jennings who was in critical condition and had Ava listed as her next of kin.

Losing it all | Source: Pixabay
Ava was stunned. She immediately took the next flight from Detroit to New York. She was saddened to see her little sister in a hospital bed, fighting for her life. Anna's doctor explained that she had been in a car accident, and might not survive.
Ava sat by Anna's bed and held her hand. Two days later, Anna opened her eyes for the first time. "Ava," she whispered, "You're here..."
"Don't talk, hun," said Ava, "Save your strength..."
"I'm so sorry," whispered Anna.
"It's OK, my love, I love you, and I'm here for you," Ava said gently.

Sisters reunited | Source: Unsplash
Anna's eyes filled with tears. "I made such a mess of things, Ava. I lost my license to practice law... I started drinking... I lost my home, everything..."
"No, Anna, you haven't," said Avaa firmly, "You have a family and you have a home with me and my family. Always!"
When Anna recovered from her terrible accident, Ava took her home and nursed her through her recovery. Slowly Anna found her feet again, petitioned for reinstatement from the bar, and used her knowledge of the law to help people who couldn't afford a lawyer.
What can we learn from this story?
1. We can't leave our past behind us, it follows us wherever we go.
2. No matter what happens the bond between sisters is unbreakable.
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This account is inspired by a subscriber's story. All names have been changed to protect identities and ensure privacy. If you would like to share your story with us, please send it to info@amomama.com