Seminole County Sheriff's Office Captain Found Passed Out in Traffic: He Was Allowed to Go Without Screening or Sobriety Check
Suspicious footage of two police officers checking on a passed-out man in the middle of the road has recently made the news. As it turns out, the man is also a law figure.
The incident took place in Seminole County, Florida, in early July and is raising quite a lot of eyebrows due to the way the two police officers let the man go after waking up.
The police were called after reports of an SUV stopped at an intersection, and when the two agents got near the vehicle, they noticed that the driver wasn't conscious.

Police officers arriving at the scene and boxing the SUV with the passed-out driver | Photo: Youtube.com/WESH 2 News
To keep the SUV from moving, they boxed it with their own cars before knocking on the window to wake the man up. After knocking for a full minute, the driver reacted and opened the door.
Before releasing the footage, the Sheriff's Office blurred the face of the man behind the wheel. However, it has been reported that the driver is one of their own, none other than Captain Kip Beacham.

Captain Kip Beacham telling the officer he fell asleep at the wheel | Photo: Youtube.com/WESH 2 News
When asked if he had taken any medication and why he had passed out, Beacham, a veteran of 24 years, told the officers that he fell asleep.
Beacham identified himself as Captain with the Sheriff's Office after one of the officers noticed the handcuffs on him, prompting the deputy to immediately apologize to him.

The officer exchanging words with Captain Kip Beacham at the intersection | Photo: Youtube.com/WESH 2 News
But not only did the officer apologize to Beacham, but he also said, "you're good, you're good. Just leave. This didn't happen," with a big smile on his face.
Members of emergency services were at the scene. Still, they did not have any interaction with Beacham, who was free to leave without having to undergo a sobriety test or further questioning.

Captain Kip Beacham's SUV in front of an ambulance right before he left the intersection | Photo: Youtube.com/WESH 2 News
The Sheriff's Office later claimed that no sobriety test was performed because, "upon awakening, he showed no signs of impairment or further concerns to the deputies."
It was also stated that the officers, who are not currently under any sort of review or investigation, decided to let Beacham go based on their training and experience.
But while the Captain was allegedly sleeping in his SUV at an intersection, the same can't be said for a man in Wisconsin who was napping inside a moving vehicle.
Deputy David Gomez, one of the officers who arrested the man, spotted a Tesla crossing over the border between Wisconsin and Illinois at a speed of 82 mph.
The officer started a pursuit and even turned on the lights and sirens in order to wake the man up, which only ended up happening 2 miles later after Gomez pulled up alongside the Tesla.
The 38-year-old pulled over and denied that he was sleeping but still got a ticket and had his car towed. Although Teslas have an auto-pilot feature, the driver should still be aware of his/her surroundings.