
Passenger Buys Lunch for Soldiers Who Say It's 'A Lot of Money,' Flight Attendant Can't Hold Back Tears

Bettina Dizon
Oct 09, 2021
09:00 P.M.

When Denny Kukich bought lunch for soldiers on a flight, he did not expect to get an overwhelming response from everyone around him.


Denny Kukich was on a plane headed east, ready for a long flight with a book to keep him busy. Before take-off, a few soldiers boarded the aircraft and occupied the empty seats near him.

After talking to one of the soldiers, he found out they would be going to Petawawa for a two-week training before being deployed to Afghanistan.

Denny Kukich shares his story about a flight with soldiers. | Source: facebook.com/lovewhatreallymatters

Denny Kukich shares his story about a flight with soldiers. | Source: facebook.com/lovewhatreallymatters

Later during the flight, attendants announced that sack lunches were available at $5 each. While thinking about purchasing a meal, Kukich overheard a soldier asking his colleague if he would buy lunch. According to Kukich, the soldier replied:

"No, that seems like a lot of money for just a sack lunch. Probably wouldn't be worth five bucks. I'll wait till we get to base."


As he looked around, Kukich noticed that none of the soldiers were buying food, so he walked towards the flight attendant at the back of the plane and handed her $50 for the food of all soldiers.

The main aisle of a plane. | Source: Shutterstock

The main aisle of a plane. | Source: Shutterstock

The stewardess unexpectedly took the man's arms, squeezed it, and thanked him with tears in her eyes. As it turned out, the woman's son was a soldier deployed in Iraq, and the kind man's gesture moved her as though he was showing kindness to her son.

With the money given to him, Kukich walked towards the soldiers at the terminal after disembarking from the aircraft.

After giving out the sandwiches, the stewardess went to the man's seat and asked if he preferred chicken or beef, to which he chose the latter.


After a minute, she returned to give him a plated dinner from first class. Already happy with the flight attendants' gesture, the man least expected more to come.

When he headed to the restroom later, a man stopped him. "'I saw what you did. I want to be part of it. Here, take this.' He handed me twenty-five dollars," Kukich shared.

After getting back to his seat, the flight captain walked towards Kukich and reached for a handshake. The captain revealed that he was previously a soldier, and when a man once bought him lunch, it was a gesture he never forgot.

Screenshot of comments on a viral Facebook post. | Source: facebook.com/lovewhatreallymatters

Screenshot of comments on a viral Facebook post. | Source: facebook.com/lovewhatreallymatters

Suddenly, passengers began applauding Kukich, leaving him overwhelmed. When he thought all gratitude was over, two other passengers left Kukich $25 each.

With the money given to him, Kukich walked towards the soldiers at the terminal after disembarking from the aircraft.

Screenshot of comments on a viral Facebook post. | Source: facebook.com/lovewhatreallymatters

Screenshot of comments on a viral Facebook post. | Source: facebook.com/lovewhatreallymatters

He handed them $75 and said, "It will take you some time to reach the base. It will be about time for a sandwich. God Bless You."

A similar story previously happened when Market Basket employee Briar Poirier stepped in to help an elderly veteran soldier pay his grocery bill after the man lacked a few dollars.

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