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8-Year-Old Boy Writes Santa a Letter, Asking Him to End His Sister's Bullying

Brittany Chalmers
Dec 21, 2021
12:00 P.M.

In 2013, a mother asked her kids to write a letter to Santa. However, she never expected the request from her eight-year-old son, and his words went viral.


When a Rocky Mount, North Carolina mother read the letters her twins had written to Santa, she was stunned. While many kids ask for toys and treats under the tree, Karen Suffern's son wanted something a little more personalized and thoughtful.

Ryan's words were selfless, and his request was centered around his sister, Amber. Instead of writing down a list of his desires, he used it as an opportunity to help his twin. The note touched many people.

Twins share a close bond [left] Brother asks Santa to give his twin sister a great birthday party because she is being bullied [right] | Photo: facebook.com/wten.albany & facebook.com/karen.suffern

Twins share a close bond [left] Brother asks Santa to give his twin sister a great birthday party because she is being bullied [right] | Photo: facebook.com/wten.albany & facebook.com/karen.suffern


In the letter, Ryan wrote: "Dear Santa … Kids at school are still picking on Amber, and it's not fair because she doesn't do anything to them ... I prayed that they will stop, but God is busy and needs your help. [sic]" He then made a special request.


He asked Santa to help make Amber's birthday party the best by getting her favorite band, Big Time Rush, to perform. When he gave the note to his mom, she was saddened that her daughter was still being bullied.


Suffern shared the letter online to alert other friends and family. The response was overwhelming, and the mom said: "Initially, I was kind of upset because it reached so many people ... but now I think it's a topic that needs to be discussed."


The mother had to tell her son she read his letter despite his requests to refrain from doing so. Fortunately, her daughter did benefit from the letter. A dialogue about bullying in schools was opened up.


Suffern shared: "The school has been in touch, and they're making sure my daughter feels comfortable and safe. They moved her on the bus because about 98 percent of the bullying takes place on the bus." The mother also revealed something else.


Her daughter stopped begging her to stay away from school and didn't seem determined to stay home. Amber had told her mom about the bullying before.


The youngster wanted people to leave her alone because of the bullies. Hopefully, by sharing the letter, other parents would educate their kids on the topic.

Many users believe that all parents must do everything in their power to stop the bullying perpetuated by their kids. Netizens also encouraged schools to make anti-bullying sessions mandatory.



One user added: "Parents need to teach their kids and set examples on how to treat others. Her brother is awesome, and she is blessed to have him." Someone else said: "This was the sweetest letter I have ever read."

While the letter revealed the continued bullying, it also showed single mom Suffern and Amber that Ryan would always look out for and protect them.

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