Hgtv Stars Ben & Erin Napier Refused to Put Fame over Family & Kids: 'We Say No to a Lot'
Becoming famous as an adult is rare but not unheard of. Usually people become famous in their youth, but for Ben and Erin Napier, it was only when they were older that they became famous. They have since tried their best to keep their personal life under wraps.
The Napiers have a charming love story that fits their small hometown of Laurel, Mississippi perfectly. The pair met in college and almost instantly began a romantic relationship. They met at the college's yearbook photoshoot.
Within six days, the couple knew that they had found their future spouse, and their relationship flourished from then. After three years of dating, they got married in 2008 after Ben proposed to Erin in the sweetest way.
Erin and her friend were in a book store when her friend picked up a book about college sweethearts. When Erin read the story, she realized that it was her and Ben's love story as told by Ben. On the last page was a request for her to meet him upstairs.
As a shaking Erin climbed the stairs, her friend filmed the entire event. When Erin got to the top of the stairs, she found Ben knelt on one knee. He then asked her to marry him, to which she said a resounding "Yes!"
After getting married, the couple expanded their family. However, it was not a smooth ride for them. When Erin was younger, she had a perforated appendix for which she needed an operation. After the procedure, doctors told her that she might have fertility issues.
Erin was told that while it was likely that she would have no difficulty falling pregnant, the challenge would be carrying the baby to full term. This news scared Erin as she did not know what the outcome would be. She said:
"I was terrified to even try, because what if I can't, and then I'm just devastated? What if we try, and something awful happens and it's this tragic loss for us?
However, a few years after the couple got married, they discovered Erin was pregnant. 2017 Mother's Day is a day that the couple will always remember as the day they found out they were expecting their first child. Even though the pregnancy was a complete surprise to them, they were happy to know they were expecting.
Erin said that while she was relieved that she could fall pregnant, she did not get her hopes up that she would be able to carry the baby to term. She said she made peace with the fact that the pregnancy might not end in a healthy baby.
Because of the complications that the couple knew they could face, they decided to keep Erin's pregnancy a secret for as long as possible. Fortunately for them, living in a small town allowed them to have a lot of privacy.
Helen, who was named after Erin's grandmother, was not planned, but she indeed helped the couple to see that pregnancy was less scary than they thought and they could have healthy babies. This led to them becoming more comfortable with the idea of pregnancy and having children.
When little Helen was born, the couple knew that they were in the clear and that their daughter was a blessing to them. Despite their renewed optimism when Helen was born, the couple didn't know if she would ever have a sibling.
For the Napiers, fame has always been something that comes second to family. Their series "Home Town," which features on HGTV, has become wildly popular over the years, placing them in the public eye. It is this fame that has afforded them the life that they live, but they don't let it control them.
The couple does not allow the fame they have gathered from their show to affect their marriage or the lives of their children; it is something that they strictly avoid. They revealed that they say no to many opportunities and also gave their reasons, saying:
"For 18 years we get to be an influence in her life. I want those years to be really good and happy and healthy because we can never get them back. No matter how great an opportunity or amount of money, nothing is worth missing out on memories together with Helen."
To ensure that they never break away from this mindset, the couple devised a rule: if they can take on the opportunity in two nights or less, they will do it. They simply turn it down if they can’t do it in two nights or less. This has allowed them to stay on track when ensuring their fame doesn't affect their family life.
Although Erin and Ben didn't know if they would ever be able to have another child, in late 2021, they welcomed their second daughter, Mae. While they were excited that their second daughter was being born, they were also apprehensive.
The couple explained that they went through a whirlwind of emotions in the few months before Mae's birth and went through a transitional time of being a family of three. Erin explained:
"I was just grieving our time as a family of three and thinking, 'It will never be like this again.'"
However, when baby Mae was born, Erin revealed that she found she had nothing to worry about as it felt like Mae had always been a part of the family. Mae was named after Erin's beloved aunt and completed their family.
Erin said Mae says a few words, like Mama, Dada, and “Hen" for Helen. The Napiers are now a happy family of four who look forward to many more adventures together.