HomeReal Life
A woman looking confused as she views her cellphone | Source: Shutterstock
A woman looking confused as she views her cellphone | Source: Shutterstock

Woman Shows Husband Private Message Mother-in-Law Sent Her — Outraged, He Storms into Mom’s Home Late in the Night

Monica Otayza
Aug 20, 2023
01:00 A.M.
  • A new mother had to face the wrath of her mother-in-law, who was hurt that she didn't eat the dinner she cooked.
  • Her angry mother-in-law sent her a long text calling her names and accusing her of many things.
  • Having had enough, the woman showed the messages to her husband, who stormed to his mother's house shortly after.

Relationships between wives and their mothers-in-law have always been complicated. While many are lucky enough to have great relationships with their in-laws, others don't have the same fate.

In one story, a new mom could no longer take her mother-in-law's treatment, so she decided to tell her husband, who reacted immediately to set things straight.

A woman's mother-in-law had been helping out at home after she gave birth. | Source: Shutterstock

A woman's mother-in-law had been helping out at home after she gave birth. | Source: Shutterstock

The woman and her mother-in-law never got along. She described her MIL as "oversensitive," adding that she "hates my guts." Despite this, the woman tried her best to stay civil. She never wanted to give her in-laws the wrong impression, but they clearly didn't like one another.

After recently giving birth, the woman and her husband constantly had her MIL around to help. One Sunday, the woman was sick and couldn't eat anything her mother-in-law cooked for dinner.


Rather than understanding, her mother-in-law decided to take things personally. She sent her a lengthy message about the new mom's behavior, which stung.

A woman looking at her cellphone with a confused expression on her face | Source: Shutterstock

A woman looking at her cellphone with a confused expression on her face | Source: Shutterstock

Her Mother-In-Law's Scathing Message

Her mother-in-law started by saying she felt her daughter-in-law's passive-aggressive vibe toward her. She accused the woman of pretending to be sick so she didn't have to eat the food she cooked.

The mother-in-law further implied that the woman didn't want to eat the food because she thought it was unhygienic. "WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU ACTUALLY LOOKED AT YOURSELF IN THE MIRROR?" she challenged.

Then she scolded the woman, saying she couldn't even brush her hair because she was a new mom. To make matters worse, her mother-in-law brought up her child and husband:


"You finally trapped our son and now want to use the baby as a pawn. I don’t like the fact you're my grandchild's mother. I don’t think I'll ever come to terms with it because you bore him. But I’ll pretend."

A woman crying | Source: Shutterstock

A woman crying | Source: Shutterstock

Her angry mother-in-law also said that her husband had been messaging his ex. She threatened her daughter-in-law, daring her to be mean to her to see how far that would get her.

Finally, her mother-in-law revealed that whenever she has to care for the woman's dog, she chains him in the garage the entire day until about half an hour before the woman arrives to pick it up. "It stinks up my house, you know same with your hair and clothes," her MIL added, insulting her.


The woman was stunned. She couldn't believe her mother-in-law would send her such a foul message. "My mind was blown and my gut reaction was to immediately go to my husband and show him what his mom sent," the woman admitted.

Unsurprisingly, her husband didn't take it well. However, she never imagined he would respond the way he did.

The woman was accused of not wanting to eat her mother-in-law's cooking even though she was sick. | Source: Shutterstock

The woman was accused of not wanting to eat her mother-in-law's cooking even though she was sick. | Source: Shutterstock

Her Husband's Surprising Reaction

That night, her husband called his mother, but when she didn't pick up, he drove to her house at 11 p.m. to confront her about the text message.

According to the woman's sister-in-law, her husband yelled at his mother and called her names. Then he disowned her, which stunned everyone in their house.


The mom, who has diabetes, fainted. But rather than taking his mother to the hospital, the woman's husband stormed out of the house.

A man and a woman staring at a cellphone | Source: Shutterstock

A man and a woman staring at a cellphone | Source: Shutterstock

The man's sisters had to take their mom to the hospital, where she was confined. They angrily messaged the woman, accusing her of ruining their family. To them, the issue was so simple to have such grave consequences. They scolded the wife for making a big deal out of a meal that she could have just eaten.

Another of her husband's siblings told the woman that she could have confronted her mother-in-law privately rather than involving her husband in the mess. They demanded she fix the situation, blaming her for it entirely.

Thus, rather than feeling relieved that her husband sided with her, the woman felt guilty. Her mother-in-law was at the hospital, and her husband was avoiding her.

A man speaking to a woman | Source: Shutterstock

A man speaking to a woman | Source: Shutterstock

She sought help from people online, hoping to get guidance on what she should do next. People assured her there was nothing wrong with telling her husband and that she had every right. They also said that her MIL got what she deserved.

It's unclear how the situation unfolded for the family after that, especially since there was a lot of communicating to do between the two sides. However, people have clarified that the woman shouldn't feel guilty for standing up for herself.

A user validating the woman's decision to tell her husband | Source: Facebook.com/Bored Panda

A user validating the woman's decision to tell her husband | Source: Facebook.com/Bored Panda

Comments siding with the woman | Source: Facebook.com/Bored Panda

Comments siding with the woman | Source: Facebook.com/Bored Panda

In another mother-in-law horror story, a woman checked her hidden camera to discover her mother-in-law sneaking into her bedroom at night. Click here to read all about it.

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