Pregnant Woman Drinks Tea Annoying Mother-in-Law Makes for Her, Starts to Feel Sick in an Hour
- After miscarrying twice, a woman conceived her third baby, hoping she would deliver her little one safely.
- One day, her mother-in-law, whom she did not share a good relationship with, made her herbal tea and urged her to drink it.
- An hour later, the woman began to feel unwell. Her condition deteriorated to the point that she feared losing her unborn baby.

A pregnant woman sitting on a chair | Source: Pexels
Becoming a mother is one of the biggest dreams for many women, but fate doesn't allow everyone to hold their little one in their arms. The woman in today's story also wished to become a mother, but her first two pregnancies ended in miscarriages.

A woman sitting on a bed | Source: Pexels
While enduring the heartbreaking losses, the woman watched her mother-in-law blame her for being infertile. She felt hurt when she held her responsible for losing her babies.

An older woman scolding a younger woman | Source: Shutterstock
As a result, the woman tried to keep a distance from her husband's mother. Soon, she conceived for the third time, in 2021, and hoped she would finally get to hold her little one in her arms.
During the sixth month of her pregnancy, the woman wrote a Reddit post to share an unusual incident that occurred between her and her mother-in-law.

A woman holds a pregnancy testing kit while a man kisses her | Source: Pexels
The mom-to-be was ecstatic as her pregnancy progressed because it was the first time she had reached the six-month mark. Wanting to spend the remaining three months of her pregnancy in peace, the woman told her husband she didn't want to be around anyone except him. She said she would meet his family once the baby was born, but he disagreed.

A couple discussing something in the kitchen | Source: Pexels
As a result, the woman's mother-in-law came over to live with them. The pregnant woman had no idea how things would take a turn for the worse soon after her mother-in-law's arrival.
What Happened after Her Mother-in-Law Came Over?
The woman revealed in her Reddit post that as soon as her mother-in-law arrived, she started to put her to work. "MIL has been asking me to do odd jobs like foot massages on her or make her heavy meals that require a lot of preparation because, according to her, it is a good 'form of exercise,'" the woman wrote.

A pregnant woman cutting vegetables | Source: Pexels
She confessed it wasn't easy to do the house chores because of her health condition and backache. However, she didn't say anything to her husband until something unexpected happened.
The woman's mother-in-law believed herbal medicines were better than the ones prescribed by doctors. In fact, she blamed prenatal vitamins for the woman's earlier miscarriages. However, the pregnant woman didn't pay much attention to her mother-in-law's beliefs until the day she made her drink herbal tea.

An older woman pouring water in a cup | Source: Pexels
The woman walked into her kitchen one day to find her mother-in-law preparing herbal tea for her. She didn't usually drink such teas, but when her mother-in-law insisted a lot, she decided to drink it to avoid conflict.

A pregnant woman smelling a cup | Source: Pexels
At first, everything seemed fine to the woman after she drank the tea, but things took a turn for the worse an hour later. She recalled "having the worst headache and nausea of my life."
The Redditor knew what regular morning sickness during pregnancy felt like, but this was unusual. She ultimately threw up and felt unwell, so she informed her husband about her condition and rushed to the hospital.

The emergency department of a hospital | Source: Pexels
What Happened at the Hospital?
The woman recalled feeling like she would faint anytime. Meanwhile, the doctors ran a few tests on her and learned her blood pressure was high. They immediately treated and monitored her blood pressure while she thought she would lose her little one. Fortunately, she revealed:
"Thankfully, my baby girl was alright, and my blood pressure eventually stabilized."

A woman in a white coat talking to a pregnant woman | Source: Pexels
However, the woman stayed at the hospital for the rest of the day and soon learned she felt unwell earlier because of food poisoning. That took her back to the moment she drank herbal tea made by her mother-in-law.

A cup of tea | Source: Pexels
Soon, the woman's husband arrived at the hospital to pick her up. Without wasting time, the woman told him what happened earlier, urging him to confront his mother and kick her out, or she would stay at her parents' house for the remaining three months. She recalled what happened next:
"Amidst all the frustration, he raged at MIL, and she had to be flown back."

A woman packing her bag | Source: Pexels
The woman revealed her mother-in-law blamed her for creating a fuss and turning her son against her. She also accused the pregnant woman of pretending to be sick to keep the baby girl away from her grandmother. After learning about her mother-in-law's thoughts, the woman felt confused and asked other Redditors if she was at fault.

A concerned woman looking at her phone | Source: Pexels
While some people thought the woman did the right thing by kicking her mother-in-law out, others blamed her for being careless while pregnant, telling her she shouldn't have drank the tea at all.
"ESH, your mil for obvious reasons, your husband for continuing to allow this to happen, and you for being dumb enough to consume an unknown tea," one Redditor said. Meanwhile, another wrote:
"Honestly ... YTA for feeling guilty for this woman and endangering your health by letting her stay with you. Stop enabling her."
A user's comment on ThrowawayAITAlana's Reddit post | Source: reddit.com/ThrowawayAITAlana
A user's comment on ThrowawayAITAlana's Reddit post | Source: reddit.com/ThrowawayAITAlana
The woman agreed she shouldn't have drank the tea, but she explained that her husband was a "wonderful person." She revealed he often sided with her, but his mother was difficult to deal with.

ThrowawayAITAlana's comment on her post | Source: reddit.com/ThrowawayAITAlana
Here is another story about a woman who showed a private message to her husband from his mother. Soon, the man stormed into her house late at night.