31 Times People Took Brutal Revenge on Their Cheating Partners
The one thing that scares people the most about dating and marriage is cheating. The ones cheated on are left feeling a painful mix of anger, sadness, and heartbreak. Oftentimes, these feelings make the perfect recipe for an excellent revenge plan.
They say revenge is best served cold, but sometimes, the heart is just too eager to take revenge immediately instead of waiting for the right time. Several people posted on Reddit to share what they did after learning their partners were cheating.

An angry woman sitting in a living room | Source: Shutterstock
Some took a lot of time to devise the perfect revenge plan, while others immediately knew how they could make their significant other feel the pain they went through. These first-hand experiences from people worldwide will make you understand what goes in a person's mind after learning about their partner's infidelity.
Comments have been revised for clarity and grammatical accuracy.
1. The Un-Eggspected Revenge
u/racheljobe: About six years ago, my then-husband never came home one night. I was pregnant with our second child, and our first was five. My ex-husband had been having an affair with my best friend and was leaving me for her.
I don't remember much about that time in my life, but I remember packing his things for him. That's when I decided to take a mild revenge.

A pregnant woman looking outside a window | Source: Shutterstock
It was right after Easter, and we had about four dozen Easter eggs. I took every single one of them, put them in every pants and shirt pocket, smashed them in the pocket, folded and placed them neatly in a garbage bag. We've since maintained a decent relationship to co-parent.
He told me a few years later that he had that bag of clothes sitting in his car for a few weeks and thought a rotting animal was in his trunk because of the smell. He had to throw all of those clothes away. We both laughed and agreed he definitely deserved it.
2. I Did the Same Thing
u/revengecheated: My husband had a 3-month affair (physical and emotional) with a coworker right after I had given birth to our third child. I found out six months later when I was already struggling with losing baby weight, stress, exhaustion, etc.
When I confronted him, he confessed but was remorseful about it. I considered leaving him, but watching him try to rebuild our relationship made me give him another chance. However, it didn't feel the same.

A man consoling a crying woman | Source: Shutterstock
Soon, I rejoined work because I didn't trust my husband that he would continue providing. While working there, I visited the bar across from my office, where I met a guy and slept with him.
I took revenge by sleeping with this guy while my husband thought I was working late shifts, just like he cheated on me. I feel so much better now.
3. I Made a Mistake
u/ThrowRA_revengecheat: My husband and I grew up in another city (City B), but we moved here (City A). Two weeks ago, my husband went on a week-long trip to City B, where one of my friends told me he was having a meal with a beautiful young girl at a restaurant there.
She even sent me a photo of them. They were laughing and stuff. It wasn't a business meeting (besides, my hubby didn't tell me he would have meetings there). At that point, I knew he was cheating on me, and infidelity was something that I hated. I knew I had to take revenge.

A happy couple in a restaurant | Source: Shutterstock
As a result, I installed Tinder and went on a date with a tall, attractive guy. Our meetup turned into a one-night stand. The next evening, I went out with another man, and on the third evening, I was on a date with a third guy.
I had no idea that I would soon regret doing this. After the third date, I was talking to my husband on a video call when he mentioned his sister. That's when it hit me that his sister lives in the same city.
I quickly searched her on Facebook, looked at her photo, and realized the girl he was with was his sister. I don't know what to do now. I messed up.
4. Everything's Gone!
u/Wileykid: My husband made me homeless for a woman he had an affair with. I don't want to go into details, but he made sure I had nowhere to live and had also been sleeping with her in our bed.

A stressed woman | Source: Shutterstock
One day, when he was at work, I hired a rental van and a storage unit and emptied the ENTIRE apartment. I couldn't take the TV because he bought it before he met me. So I took all the cables from the back so he wouldn't be able to use it....
5. Karma Took My Revenge
u/johnny-cheese: I'm a loud talker, but I try my best to control the volume of my voice while speaking. Before my divorce, my ex constantly told me I was too loud. She rudely told me to lower my voice, even when we had people around us.
I think we just enjoyed humiliating me. Anyway, fast forward 18 years. She cheated on me, and we divorced. She initially denied it but soon admitted it.
During our last conversation, she told me everything she disliked about me, and guess what topped the list? That I was too loud, and she felt sick to her stomach because of my voice.

A couple arguing | Source: Shutterstock
I told her I wouldn't speak to her ever again to avoid making her sick. I'm proud to say those were the last words she ever heard from me. That was 13 years ago. One of my children recently said he didn't like visiting his mother's house anymore.
When I asked him why, he said she's always shouting. I thought it was because she might be angry at the kids, but it turned out that her husband (the guy she cheated with) was turning deaf. She has to shout at him all the time to talk to him. If this isn't karma revenge, I don't know what is.
6. The Incomplete Plan
u/OldJimDandy: I read a story on here a few years ago about a man who found out his wife of 20 years was having an affair after she became pregnant by her affair partner. She wanted to divorce as quickly as possible to marry the man.
She agreed to let her husband have everything in the divorce to move the process along, unaware she would soon regret her decision. The woman was a stay-at-home wife, while her affair partner was a doctor and earned well.

Close-up of a couple holding hands | Source: Shutterstock
The week after the divorce was finalized, the woman married her new partner and left on her honeymoon. While still vacationing, the new husband died in a freak car accident. The woman suddenly found herself six months pregnant, with absolutely no marketable skills or job history and nothing in assets.
Her ex-husband said he felt bad that things didn't work out how she planned but felt no reason to renegotiate the divorce settlement with her. It wasn't intentional revenge, but it was the best story of affair karma I have ever read.
7. Everyone Saw Her Cheat
u/c0uldashouldawoulda: I had a friend (we'll call him Bob) who was suspicious of his wife's social circle. One of her closest friends had been caught cheating and tried to throw her under the bus as well. Bob had no proof, and things settled down for a while.
Since Bob was an IT professional, he was good with computers and networks, which helped him find the truth about his wife. He installed a keylogger on his computer and soon discovered what his wife was doing behind his back.

A man working on a laptop | Source: Shutterstock
It turned out she was having an affair with another man, and they exchanged inappropriate messages and videos online when Bob was not at home. When Bob got his hands on them, he searched for his wife's lover and found out he was also married.
Instead of confronting his wife, Bob created a website and uploaded all the evidence. He sent the link to all their friends and family, including me and the other man's wife.
8. Sweet Revenge
u/wifelife_: After eight years of what I thought was a healthy & loving relationship, I found out my husband had been living a double life the entire time. Before leaving him, I ensured I took revenge by doing as much emotional damage to him as possible.
The first thing I did was I went out on a date with a guy I met on Tinder and told my husband about it. I made him realize that I could cheat on him during our marriage if I wanted to.
I told him that all the things he wanted to do to other girls, men wanted to do to me. That night, I took pleasure in watching him cry. I also changed my kids' last name to my name after I saw him telling other girls that he had no wife or kids.

A man wiping his tears with a tissue paper | Source: Shutterstock
Besides that, I talked him into getting a vasectomy. We discussed it before I learned about his double life, but I managed to convince him after it. I feel so happy that he won't be able to start a family after I leave him.
Lastly, I've been feeding him false hope that we're going to stay together. Since he is ready to do anything to stop me from leaving, I will convince him to get my name permanently tattooed on his body. He's going to regret it after I leave him!
9. The Revenge Party
u/kidfantastic: Before my wife Lisa's 50th birthday, I learned she had been cheating on me with another man. I learned about it when I stumbled across their conversation on her phone, which included explicit photos of them and messages that made me feel heartbroken.
The trust we had built during all these years came crashing down when I learned Lisa was not sincere with me. She had an affair with another man, and I thought our relationship was perfect.
I wanted Lisa to understand the pain she had caused me and our family. And what better occasion than her 50th birthday party―a gathering of our closest friends and family?

A woman holding a birthday cake | Source: Shutterstock
I prepared a PowerPoint presentation that showed evidence of her affair and photos from a few beautiful moments we had spent together. Before the presentation started, I gave a speech and shared some memorable stories from our years together.
Everyone was shocked when they saw the photos, and to add to it, I brought a birthday cake for Lisa with images of her and her affair partner on it. To add the final blow, I handed Lisa divorce papers in front of everyone. Everyone went silent while Lisa cried. I couldn't do anything to help her.
10. Falling in Love With Someone Unexpected
u/[deleted]: After about a decade of being with my husband, I learned he was cheating on me with his coworker. I had met the woman multiple times, and she was very affectionate towards our daughter. Who told me about their affair? The other woman's husband.

Coworkers looking at a laptop | Source: Shutterstock
When he told me about it, we met and discussed what we should do next. Little did we know that our meetings would soon turn into dates. Over the next few months, we developed feelings for each other, and he soon confessed that he was in love with me.
I knew I felt the same when he explained his feelings to me. I was in love with the husband of the woman my husband was cheating with. At that point, I wanted to get out of my marriage as soon as possible.
11. Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater
u/[deleted]: I had been dating this girl, who I thought was terrific, for about a year when I commented on her Facebook picture and got confronted by some guy who claimed he was talking to her and she was interested in him.
I found that quite odd, so I confronted my girlfriend and told her to let me go or stop talking to that guy. She broke up with me because she thought he was a "really great guy." Fair enough.

A woman arguing with a man in a restaurant | Source: Shutterstock
About a month later, she comes crying and insists she loves me and we are meant to be together. I knew she wasn't serious about us, but just to make things clear, I decided to make a fake Facebook profile and test her.
Meanwhile, I asked her to swear she was serious with me, and she swore left and right that this time it was different. She thought I had no idea she was talking to this new person on Facebook (that was me).
I decided to take revenge. I kept talking to her through the fake account and soon convinced her that her new guy would pick her up after school.
As a result, she missed the school bus and kept waiting for him. What happened next? I made her wait for hours before confessing that I was talking to her through that account.
12. She Did the Unexpected
u/[deleted]: I am in the army and was deployed to Iraq while married to my ex-wife. We had decided to start a family after I returned, but things took a different turn two months after my departure. I noticed my ex had been acting strange on the phone.
She said she needed space to "find herself," which was very odd. At that time, I noticed this guy had started appearing in her photos, making me uncomfortable and jealous. I knew it was time to find out the truth.
I cloned her phone and got access to all her chats. I'll never forget the first text I saw after cloning her phone, "Hey babe, I'll see you after work. Want me to save you any of my leftovers?"

A man in a military uniform using a laptop | Source: Shutterstock
That message destroyed me. I learned my wife was cheating on me while I was thousands of miles away from her. Months later, she admitted to cheating on me, saying the other guy was much better than me.
While going out with him, she used to spend money from my bank account, so I decided it was time for revenge. I froze the account for a month and changed all my passwords. I also blocked her from everywhere, so she couldn't contact me.
As a result, she lost her car, got kicked out of her place, and had to sell her expensive shoes and purse to make ends meet. I also showed her conversations with the other man to our friends. I tried my best to destroy her.
Soon, she told me she was pregnant with the other man's kid while we still hadn't divorced. Months later, she begged me to let her return to my life, but I didn't. I divorced her, and now she's got nowhere to go because the man cheated on her.
13. This Was Unplanned
u/Affectionate-Car5524: We got married almost three years ago. My wife started having an affair with her coworker one year ago. I learned that because I saw his car outside my house one day. I had my suspicions.
I hired a PI and gathered evidence that she was having an affair with him. I was angry. Soon, the other man's wife contacted me after she learned about the affair.

A shocked man looking at his phone | Source: Shutterstock
Since we had a lot of evidence, we decided to confront our spouses. As a result, we started meeting to discuss everything. One day, we decided it would be better to take revenge on our spouses by sleeping with each other.
Little did we know that it wasn't a one-time thing. Our meetings turned into an affair, and now we want to tell everything to our spouses and end our marriages.
14. I Didn't Tell Them Anything
u/[deleted]: My wife and I divorced two years ago after I learned she cheated on me with multiple guys. To be honest, I was crushed when I found out. We have two children, a 14-year-old son and a 16-year-old daughter. My ex-wife begged me not to tell our children about her infidelity, and I agreed.

Woman asking a man for forgiveness | Source: Shutterstock
Instead of telling the kids about it, I left a compilation of her online dating accounts open on my computer, printed out some incriminating text messages, and left them on my desk. My daughter stumbled across it, and I explained that her mother had cheated on me.
After learning about it, she didn't talk to her mother for months, but now their relationship is better. However, their conversations mostly ended in screaming matches, and our son followed in his sister's footsteps. My ex's relationship with the kids is ruined.
15. I Caught Her Cheating
u/Gamerman545: I was at work two months ago while my wife, Susan, was home. I went home early and saw a figure jumping inside my house through the window. When I went inside, I caught her cheating with our married neighbor, who had three children.
The man immediately fled when he saw me, and I stood there crying, asking Susan why she did that. I left the house and went to live with my brother.

A shocked man standing inside a house | Source: Shutterstock
Soon, I saw Susan at a court hearing. The judge said the house was mine, and 75% of our assets went to me. I was happy. Meanwhile, Susan was pregnant with the neighbor's kid, and his wife had started talking to me.
What happened next? The neighbor's wife soon moved in with me because her house went to her ex-husband after the divorce. I'm in a relationship with her now, while Susan keeps calling me, begging for another chance.
16. The Clever Revenge Plan
u/70127: This is about one of my college friends whose girlfriend of two years cheated on him. He learned about her infidelity but didn't tell her right away. Instead, he told us about it, crying, and said he would take revenge on her. He had a plan to destroy her, but I couldn't understand it then.

Close-up of a man's fist | Source: Shutterstock
He drove to his girlfriend's mother's house, over an hour outside of town, with her items from his apartment nicely boxed up, and said he wanted to leave them with her for his girlfriend.
He nicely told her he wouldn't see her daughter again and left. At that point, his girlfriend had no idea what was going on. She learned about the breakup from her mother, who blamed her for ruining her relationship with him.
His ex kept texting him for months, telling him how he had destroyed her relationship with her mother. That's what my friend wanted. He aimed to hurt his ex through someone who would stay in her life.
17. The Birthday Present
u/Itsme03: I felt suspicious when my ex-wife used to smile and laugh while texting, saying she was talking to her mother. She also began staying late at work, and when I would call her coworkers, they would say she had left hours ago.
What solidified my suspicions was when she left home at 11:30 p.m. one night, saying she had to buy milk and didn't return until 2 in the morning. At that point, I was sure something was happening behind my back. I just needed more evidence to help me with the divorce process.

A woman opening a door | Source: Shutterstock
Fast forward to her birthday several months later, she wanted me to go out of town with my friends because she was busy with work on her birthday. I agreed and went to my friend's place, waiting for the right moment to surprise her.
I called her parents, sister, and friends, asking them to come over so we could surprise her while she thought I was out of town. Soon, we all were outside our apartment with cake, party streamers, and kazoos.
Everyone thought she would feel nice to see them, but that wasn't the case. When we opened the bedroom door to surprise her, we caught her in bed with an unknown man. Everyone was shocked while I pretended I was horrified. I knew I gave her the best birthday present of my life.
18. I Told Her Father the Truth
u/MonkeyD2209: When I was around 18, I was dating a girl I had met in high school. We had been dating for a year when our relationship started dying. We barely talked or met, but I was still on good terms with her family.
They owned a grocery store, and I had even worked there for some time. One day, one of my friends told me she saw my girlfriend with another guy. I didn't want to believe it, so I thought I should get proof before accusing her. I soon convinced her to meet me one day after work.

A man talking on his phone | Source: Shutterstock
She came over that night and went to take a shower, leaving her phone on the table. Since I needed evidence, I quickly grabbed her phone and went through it.
Lo and behold! My girlfriend was cheating on me with her ex—the guy who used to smoke and drink during high school. After reading her messages, I immediately came up with a revenge plan.
In those messages, they had talked about needing money, and the guy convinced her to steal it from her family business. She had been getting away with almost 800 dollars every weekend and stealing items from their shop.
I took screenshots of those messages and sent them to her father, saying this is what I found on his daughter's phone. When she came out of the shower, I broke up with her. Meanwhile, her father had called the cops, and they were waiting for her to return home.
19. I'm Unsure About My Feelings
u/Adribear95: My husband (26m) cheated on me last year with my friend/coworker. He started cheating two months after I gave birth to our third child. I tried to forgive him and make it work.
A year later, he cheated again with her, and I kicked him out. Now we are separating. I've been trying to keep my distance, but he's always trying to be in my life.

A man begging a woman for forgiveness | Source: Shutterstock
Today, he sent me a picture of himself in an ambulance after he got into an accident. He said he dozed off while driving home from work, which made his car slide away from the road. He broke his back and underwent surgery. I'm not sure how I should feel about this.
20. I Stood up for My Best Friend
u/Prestigious_Smell539: I introduced my best friend, Lily, to a guy in my class who she soon began dating. They were together for seven years until she discovered he was cheating with his university classmate. This was right before her graduation.
Soon, Lily and I spotted her boyfriend with his classmate at a mall. He pulled her and introduced her to Lily, making her feel bad. At that point, I knew I had to teach that man a lesson.

Close-up of a woman crying | Source: Shutterstock
Since Lily had the passwords to all his accounts, I changed them and accessed his Google Drive, where I found his chats with that girl, where he had mentioned getting intimate with her in restrooms and the emergency exit area at his workplace.
I took screenshots and sent them to his boss and the woman's husband. My best friend's ex was fired from his workplace, while his girlfriend's husband divorced her, burnt her graduation dress, and made her explain to her parents why he was leaving her.
21. The Unforgettable Day
u/throwawaySwanSong: On December 1, 2022, I got the news I dreaded. I was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and didn't have much time to live. I was at peace with everything, but my wife knew nothing about my tests.
That day, I decided to go home early and tell her about it. However, when I reached home, I saw my business partner's car parked in the driveway. I knew something was not right.
When I checked the home cameras, they were set to privacy mode. Instead of going inside, I drove to my farm, where I learned what my wife was up to.

A car parked on the driveway of a house | Source: Shutterstock
I installed a second camera to watch storms and wildlife outside the house some time ago. When I accessed it, I saw my wife snuggling in the living room with my business partner before they left for the bedroom.
I heard everything they did in there. Since I had little time left, I avoided confrontation and called my lawyer to review my will and prenup. I have decided to spend the remaining time with my children and grandchildren while I pretend to be a loving husband.
22. The Night Before My Wedding
On the night before my wedding, I was having fun with my best friends when I received a text on my phone. They thought it was from my husband-to-be, but it was from an unknown number.
The sender sent me a couple of screenshots from a conversation between my man and another woman. Reading those messages broke my heart. My husband-to-be was physically involved with another woman.

A woman crying while looking at her phone | Source: Shutterstock
My friends wanted me to confront him that night, but I didn't say anything to him. I still wanted to marry the man I loved the most. However, later that night, I devised a revenge plan. I knew what I needed to do to teach him a lesson.
The next day, I wore my beautiful wedding gown, walked down the aisle, and smiled at the guests before holding my phone and reading the text messages. My husband-to-be went pale and quiet.
He didn't know what to say. Soon, he walked out of the church while I told the guests to enjoy the night as a celebration of honesty.
23. My Grandmother's Story
u/WalnutsGalore: This happened to my grandma. She walked in on her then-husband in bed with her best friend. She told me she had a seat and waited for them to notice her.

A woman sitting on a sofa | Source: Shutterstock
When they did, she just sat there and said, "Oh no. Go ahead and finish." She apparently was trying to make it as awkward and uncomfortable for them as possible.
24. He Got Something Better
u/tkcool73: My mother cheated on my father while working as a nanny for a man's kids. As part of the divorce agreement, she got half of my father's pension and custody of my brother and me. As we grew up, she told us lies regarding our father to hide her infidelity.

A woman talking to a child | Source: Shutterstock
Meanwhile, my father tied the knot with a woman who owned a lucrative heating and air business. It allowed him to live a comfortable life, buy a countryside plot, and start a horse and cattle farm. He now lives a fantastic life, while my mother has no idea that I know what she did to my father.
25. Is Moving on the Best Revenge?
u/Own-Text7602: My wife left after I had a health issue so she could enjoy her life. I recovered, joined a gym, joined a whip dancing club, got out with friends at least four nights a week, and took my grown kids out fishing on the weekends. I dated some but, more importantly, made many lady friends that really helped raise my self-worth.

A man and woman laughing while eating ice-cream | Source: Shutterstock
Eleven years later, I married a fantastic woman who made my life wonderful. We've been together for almost 30 years, and she told me she owes my ex a debt of gratitude for making me available.
My ex quickly married a bar hookup who refused to work, and she had to support them both. She's still unhappy with her life. So, as far as I'm concerned, the best revenge is to forget they even exist and enjoy your life.
26. The Stinky House
u/eight_legged_beefy: After 37 years of marriage, Jake, a prominent businessman in South Florida, left his wife for his much younger secretary. His new girlfriend demanded that they live in Jake and Edith's multi-million-dollar home, and since the Jakes's lawyers were better than Edith's, he prevailed.
After the divorce was finalized, he gave Edith, his now ex-wife, three days to move out. She spent the first day packing her belongings into boxes, crates, and suitcases. The movers took her belongings on the second day.

A woman packing her clothes in a box | Source: Shutterstock
On the third day, she feasted on a pound of shrimp, a jar of caviar, and a bottle of Chardonnay. Before leaving the house, she stuffed half-eaten shrimp shells dipped in caviar into the hollow of the curtain rods in every room.
When Jake and his girlfriend moved in, everything was perfect until the house started stinking a few days later. They tried everything to get rid of the smell, but nothing worked. Soon, their maid quit, and people refused to come to their house.
No one even wanted to buy that house because of the stench. Soon, Jake's ex-wife called him and learned about his misery. She offered to reduce the divorce settlement if he gave the house to her.
He knew this was the best way to get rid of the house, so he agreed and soon left with his belongings, including the curtain rods.
27. The Unplanned Revenge
u/[deleted]: My boyfriend of four years cheated on me with another girl but apologized when I confronted him. He begged me to forgive him, so I didn't leave him, but our relationship was not the same because he broke my trust.

A woman walking on the sidewalk while looking at her phone | Source: Shutterstock
Soon, we got into an argument, and I left the house, unaware I would soon meet an old acquaintance. I was at the bar where I met this guy with whom I went to high school. We started talking, and then I accompanied him to his house, where we recalled old memories.
Soon, I was in bed with him and remember saying I don't care if my boyfriend finds out about this. I revenge-cheated on my boyfriend even though I thought that was a stupid thing to do.
28. He Broke My Heart
u/Clean-Stable-797: After three years of dating, my boyfriend and I planned to get married, but fate allowed me to see something that made me change my decision. I have loved this man more than anyone else and supported him when he wanted to study further.
I earned money for both of us, but he decided to cheat on me with two women―a teacher's assistant at his university and his best friend's girlfriend. Upon learning the truth, I withdrew all funds from our joint bank account and had planned to take revenge on him.

A woman thinking about something while sitting behind the wheel | Source: Shutterstock
We planned to host a party to announce our engagement, but I aimed to announce my departure that day. I have packed everything and put it in a suitcase in the back of my car that my brother will take home.
However, before I could implement my plan, my boyfriend found my Reddit post and ran home to his parents in MY car! He told them we fought, but when his mother asked me what had happened, I told her he cheated on me with two women. What happened next? I heard her shout at him before she hung up.
29. She Couldn't Look After Me
u/[deleted]: After dating my girlfriend for four years, we decided to build a house where we would live together and raise the daughters that we had from our previous partners.
We wanted to build a new home because she had been diagnosed with a neurological disorder that would lead her to become a wheelchair user. We wanted to make the house wheelchair-friendly. Besides that, I invested money in fixing some things in her home to increase the resale value.
However, I was soon diagnosed with cancer and had to undergo treatment. I suggested we sell one of our houses and move into the other while we wait for our house to be built. It seemed like she didn't like my idea.

A couple talking | Source: Shutterstock
Soon, she became distant, and so did her daughter. One day, she texted me, "I love you, but I can't see myself taking care of someone this sick in the long term, and I don't think we should see each other any longer."
It broke me, but I took revenge on her after learning she was cheating on me with a man she had introduced to me as a lifelong friend. Once my chemotherapy ended and I began feeling better, I stumbled across some paperwork with $32,680 in unpaid, overdue invoices regarding my work on her home.
She was all set to sell her house when those invoices reached her, and she had to pay them before selling her house. These invoices, including interest and attorney fees, left her with only $10K, canceling her plans to buy another home.
Years later, I met her, and she was in a wheelchair, asking if I would give her another chance. I said, "I can't see myself taking care of someone so sick in the long term."
30. Don't Cheat On Me!
u/esjay86: I eloped with my girlfriend while I was in the military. After tying the knot, my wife joined a summer camp as a counselor, after which I didn't see her much. She became distant and started making excuses whenever I wanted to talk.
Soon, our relationship went downhill, and I ultimately pressured her into confessing what was happening. She told me she fell in love with one of her fellow camp counselors and let the affair go on for about nine months. I was heartbroken. I knew I had to take revenge.

An upset man sitting on a couch | Source: Shutterstock
She told her family I was the one to be blamed for our breakup, which took a toll on my mental health. As a result, I decided to expose her in front of her family.
I wrote a 3,000-word letter explaining every detail I could recall about what happened―the fact that we were married (including copies of the marriage license and certificate), our plans for the future, and how I was the only one living up to our expectations.
I also sent them details of the man she cheated with. I sent copies of it to everyone in her extended family, her friends, and even people at her workplace.
31. The Best Revenge
u/UltimateOatie: Back in 2019, I had just moved my long-term partner into my house due to a series of poor life choices on his end. I was a university student while he worked a low-wage job. I discovered on Christmas Day 2020 that he had been unfaithful and "forgotten to tell me."
He was planning on leaving me but had informed everyone except me because he failed to secure a new residence. Three months later, he was still in my house, with no plans of moving out.

A man watching TV | Source: Shutterstock
I was about to secure an eviction notice to get him out of my house when I saw him using Tinder at my place. I told him to do that privately, and our argument escalated to the point where I said I would sleep with his best friend.
It was a threat, but it soon became a reality. It turned out that my partner was also terrible to him, so we bonded over our bad experiences and soon began dating. Two years after dating, we tied the knot and are now living a good life. Meanwhile, my ex-partner got thrown out of his father's house.
These people ensured their partners deserved the right treatment after cheating on them and didn't hesitate to share it with people online. It was a bad experience, but they learned something from it.