Boss Shames Poor Immigrant, But He Gets The Last Laugh
From the moment he arrives for an interview for an engineering position, Ravi is humiliated and discriminated against by a deplorable middle manager. Nevertheless, he accepts a janitorial job and patiently waits for the opportunity to turn the tables.
Ravi tied up his shoulder-length hair and smoothed down the fabric of his new shirt over his chest. He took a deep breath, his heart pounding with a mix of nerves and determination.
The crisp air-conditioning in the waiting room did little to ease the tension building within him. The receptionist, staring intently at her computer screen, barely acknowledged him as he approached.
"Hello, Ravi to see Dwight; I'm here for a job interview," Ravi said politely.
The receptionist glanced at her screen, her eyes skimming over the schedule. "Ravi, right this way," she said, pointing. "All the way down, first door on the left. Good luck."
Ravi nodded his thanks and made his way down the narrow hallway, his polished shoes clicking on the tiled floor. He couldn't shake the feeling that every step he took was a step into the unknown, into a future that hung in the balance.

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The door at the end of the corridor loomed ahead, the placard reading "Dwight S—, Project Manager" catching Ravi's eye.
He knocked and was met with a faint "Come in" from the other side. He let himself into Dwight's office, and the man seated at the desk barely acknowledged Ravi's presence. He gestured for Ravi to take a seat, his eyes never leaving his computer screen.
"So, you're Ravi?" Dwight said, coolly.
"Yes, that's me, sir," Ravi replied, forcing a smile as he extended his hand.
Dwight glanced at the hand as if it were an inconvenience before reluctantly shaking it. "Take a seat if you like," Dwight said, "although this won't take long."
"Nice to meet you," Ravi said, taking a seat across from the imposing figure.

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Dwight grunted in response, shuffling through some papers on his desk before finally retrieving Ravi's resume. He held it up to the light, squinting as if the words were written in a foreign language.
"Mechanical engineer, huh?" Dwight said, his tone dripping with disdain. "Really?"
"Yes, sir. I have over a decade of experience in the field, working on various high-value projects in the medical and automotive industries," Ravi replied, masking his shyness.
Dwight continued to scan the resume and read out some of the keywords that caught his eye: "Thermodynamics, theory of machines, fluid mechanics, material science, hydraulic machines, project management. Impressive," he added sarcastically. "So, where are you from? Originally."
"I'm from India, sir," Ravi replied.
"I suppose I should have guessed," Dwight sighed, flipping the resume back onto the desktop. "Well, as it happens, we don't need any more engineers here. We need someone who can get their hands dirty. Literally."

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Ravi frowned, confused by the hostile reception. "The job ad called for a mechanical engineer, but I'm more than capable of getting my hands dirty, sir. I've worked on the shop floor before."
Dwight leaned back in his chair, studying Ravi critically. "Look, we had over a hundred applications for this job by people more qualified and experienced than you. But it so happens we need a janitor right now. Someone to clean up messes, not make them."
Ravi's jaw tightened, but he maintained his composure. "I appreciate your candor, but I believe my skills could be better utilized in a role that aligns with my background and expertise."
Dwight chuckled, a sound that grated on Ravi's nerves. "You don't get it, do you? We don't want your kind around here thinking you're better than everyone else."
Ravi's eyes narrowed, a surge of anger pulsing through him. "My kind? What exactly do you mean by that, sir?"

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Dwight leaned forward, his condescending smile widening. "Let's not play dumb, Ravi. We don't need any more immigrants taking jobs away from hardworking Americans."
Ravi took a deep breath, fighting to keep his emotions in check. "I assure you, sir, I'm here to contribute, to work hard, and make a positive impact."
Dwight scoffed, dismissing Ravi with a wave of his hand. "Save the speeches for someone who cares. The janitor's job is yours, take it or leave. Those are your options."
The silence in the room hung heavy as Ravi weighed his choices. He could feel the discrimination pressing down on him, but he also felt a responsibility to persevere, to prove himself in the face of adversity.
"Fine. I'll take the janitor position," Ravi said, his voice steady despite the bitterness he felt.
Dwight smirked. "Well, good for you. Speak to Cheryl at reception on your way out, and she'll set you up with HR. You can start tomorrow."
Ravi nodded, rising from his seat. He extended his hand once more, not for a handshake, but to retrieve his resume from Dwight's desk. He stood up and left without looking back and dignifying his interviewer's bad attitude with a thank you. The door closed behind Ravi with a soft thud.

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Ravi trudged through the narrow hallway of his modest apartment building. The lingering scent of spices from neighboring kitchens and the worn carpet smell created a tapestry of scents that told the story of countless lives woven together.
He fumbled with the keys at his door, the metal jingling a discordant melody.
The door opened onto a small living room spread with mismatched furniture and colorful landscapes hanging on the walls. Indira, Ravi's wife, looked up from the worn-out sofa hopefully. The glow of a single lamp highlighted the lines of worry on her face.
"How did it go?" Indira asked.
Ravi hesitated for a moment, his eyes avoiding hers. He took a deep breath. "I took the job," he said, the words tasting bitter on his tongue.

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Indira's eyes widened in surprise. "The engineering position?"
Ravi shook his head, a sense of shame creeping over him. "No, they offered me a janitorial position. It was that or nothing."
Indira's expression shifted from surprise to concern. "But you're a qualified engineer, Ravi. Why would you take such a job?"
Ravi reached into his rucksack and pulled out the janitor's uniform he was given. He held it up, the maroon-colored fabric stark in the dimly lit room. "This is what they gave me. I start tomorrow."
Indira's eyes flickered between Ravi and the uniform, with a shade of disappointment settling on her features. "Why would you accept that? You're worth more than cleaning floors and scrubbing toilets, Ravi."

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Ravi sighed. "Indira, as you know, I've made hundreds of applications, and getting an interview is almost a miracle. The job market is so tough, and this was the only offer I've been made. I can't let pride get in the way when we're struggling terribly to make ends meet."
Indira's gaze softened, and she gently touched Ravi's hand. "But you have qualifications, experience. You deserve a job that values your skills."
Ravi leaned back, running a hand through his hair. "I know, Indira. I know. But we have rent due and bills piling up. We can't afford to be choosy right now."
Indira's eyes bore into Ravi's. "Ravi, you're right. We'll get through this. We always have. You're not defined by the job you do. Your character, your skills, and your resilience define you. I'm proud of you. This is just the start; who knows where it might lead you.'"
Ravi managed a weak smile, grateful for Indira's support. "I just didn't want to disappoint you."
Indira cupped Ravi's face in her hand, her eyes searching his. "You could never disappoint me, Ravi. I believe in you and know that whatever you do, you'll do it with dignity and excellence."

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The room fell into a contemplative silence, the hum of distant traffic and muffled voices from neighboring apartments filling the void. Ravi broke the silence, "Speaking of struggles, Indira, did the landlord come knocking again today?"
Indira sighed, her shoulders slumping. "He did. He moaned again about us being behind on the rent, and if we don't pay by the end of the month, he said he'll evict us."
Ravi sighed. "We can't afford to lose this place, Indira. It's the only stable thing we have right now."
Indira nodded, "I know, Ravi. I've been looking for odd jobs, but it's not easy."
Ravi ran a hand through his hair. "Well, this janitor job is a break; we can start to turn things around for us."
Indira squeezed Ravi's hand reassuringly. "We'll figure something out, Ravi. We always do. We just need to stay strong and support each other."

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The living room seemed to shrink around them as they stood there, hand in hand, yet their connection remained unbroken. The challenges ahead loomed like shadows, but in the warmth of each other's presence, there was a glimmer of hope.
The next morning, Ravi arrived at the firm, determined to make the most of it. Dressed in his janitor uniform, he navigated the maze of corridors, mop in hand, ready to tackle whatever mess awaited him.
He allowed himself to absorb the industrious energy of people engaged in their work while everyone he met was friendly and welcomed him to the company
As he cleaned, Ravi observed the inner workings of the firm. He learned the hallways' rhythm, the break room's cliques, and the various departments' intricacies.
Despite the mundane nature of his tasks, he approached them with diligence that caught the attention of some employees, who were surprised to see a janitor so earnest in his work.
Towards the end of the day, Ravi received an unexpected summons. The intercom crackled to life, and a stern voice echoed through the small speaker. "Ravi, please report to Dwight's office immediately."

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Ravi made his way to Dwight's office. The door was ajar, and Ravi hesitated for a moment before knocking. "Come in," Dwight barked.
Ravi entered, eyes scanning the room. Dwight was engrossed in a whiteboard session with two engineers and barely acknowledged Ravi's presence.
"Ah, Ravi, good. I need you to clean up this mess," Dwight said, gesturing to the coffee spill on his desk.
Ravi nodded, seizing the opportunity to demonstrate his commitment to the job. "Of course, Dwight. I'll take care of it right away."
Dwight grunted in acknowledgment, his attention fully absorbed by the engineers and the sprawling diagrams on the whiteboard. Ravi retrieved a cloth from his janitorial cart and set to work on the coffee spill, keeping his ears open for what was being said in the room.

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"It's the pre-conditioning chambers," Dwight said. "How do we interlink them mechanically to make the sterilization process seamless? I've got two of the brightest engineers in the business here, and you've got nothing for me? This is a 10-million-dollar project, and the deadline for the first phase is coming close; we have to solve this by the end of the week, or we have a serious problem. The survival of the company depends on bringing this project in successfully."
As he cleaned, Ravi soaked up the debate between Dwight and the engineers. They were engrossed in a detailed discussion about a design problem in a medical device they were set to manufacture. Ravi listened discreetly, absorbing the technical jargon and the complexity of the issues at hand.
The coffee spill had spread over some documents on the desk, and Ravi, ever the meticulous worker, asked during a lull in the conversation, "Dwight, should I throw away these documents?"
Dwight waved his hand dismissively, not bothering to shift his gaze away from the whiteboard. "Yeah, just toss them; they're only print-outs. They're useless now."
Ravi hesitated, a nagging feeling urging him to inspect the contents of those documents before consigning them to the trash. He swiftly and subtly deposited the papers into a bag on his cart.

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Exiting Dwight's office, Ravi made his way to the janitor's closet. Once inside, he closed the door behind him and laid the coffee-stained documents on a small table. His hands moved with practiced precision as he swabbed the pages clean, careful not to tear or damage the valuable information they contained.
As the documents gradually revealed their secrets, Ravi's eyes widened with realization. The technical drawings and notes detailed a critical juncture in the medical device project that the engineers seemed unable to navigate. But it was a challenge Ravi had seen before; he'd worked on a similar project a few years ago.
He pored over the documents, absorbing every detail, his mind racing with the possibilities. The whiteboard session he had overheard echoed in his thoughts, and he began to make connections between the documents in his possession, what he had heard Dwight and the engineers discussing, and the wealth of his subject matter expertise.
Once a mundane space filled with cleaning supplies, the janitor's closet was now a clandestine chamber where fate had delivered Ravi an unexpected opportunity.
The minutes ticked by, and Ravi continued his silent study of the documents. He began to make some calculations and sketches and formulate a solution to the engineering problem.
The new, unassuming custodian of the janitor's closet began to see he held the power to reshape the fortunes of the medical supply firm where he now worked.

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The day began to wane as Ravi returned to Dwight's domain. The janitorial cart glided smoothly across the polished floor, a silent witness to the duality of Ravi's existence within the corporate world.
He had spent the day blending into the background, observing the ebb and flow of business activities while discovering a secret that could redefine his role.
Dwight's office door was ajar, and Ravi seized the opportunity to slip inside before the project manager returned. He moved efficiently, wiping down surfaces, emptying the trash, and ensuring the office maintained an impeccable facade.
As he straightened the papers on Dwight's desk, the subtle hum of conversation from the neighboring conference room reached his ears.

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Ravi glanced at his watch and hurriedly adjusted the janitorial cart, ensuring everything was in its rightful place. Just as he finished, the door swung open, bringing Dwight in.
"Back again?" Dwight grunted, eyeing Ravi with indifference.
"Yes, sir. Just making sure everything is ship-shape," Ravi replied, his tone deferential but tinged with eagerness.
Dwight merely nodded, sidling up to his desk. Ravi took a moment to gather his thoughts, "Dwight, may I have a moment of your time?" he asked, his voice steady.
Dwight looked up, his eyes narrowing. "Make it quick."
Ravi hesitated for a moment, gauging Dwight's mood. "I overheard the discussion earlier about the design problem you're facing on the sterilization device project."
Dwight sighed as if humoring an inconvenience. "And what's it to you, Ravi? You're a janitor now, not an engineer, remember?"
Ravi straightened his posture, determined to be heard. "I know my place, Dwight, but I couldn't help overhearing, and I believe I might have some insights into the issue."

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Dwight's dismissive chuckle echoed in the room. "You? An insight? I find that hard to believe."
Ravi took a deep breath, resisting the urge to be provoked. "I have a background in mechanical engineering. I've worked on similar projects before. I understand if you're skeptical, but I believe I can offer a fresh perspective."
Dwight leaned back in his chair, eyeing Ravi condescendingly. "Fine, humor me. What's your brilliant idea?"
Ravi began to outline his ideas passionately. He delved into the intricacies of the design problem, offering suggestions and proposing solutions that far transcended the simplicity of a janitor's perspective.
As Ravi spoke, Dwight's initial amusement shifted to a grudging acknowledgment. The solutions touched upon elements that the engineers had overlooked in their relentless pursuit of an outcome.
Dwight, after a moment of contemplation, patted Ravi on the shoulder. "Okay, go ahead, pal," he said patronizingly. "Put your ideas down in a three-page presentation. Give it to me tomorrow. We'll see if there's any merit to your musings."

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"Thank you, Dwight! I'll have it ready first thing tomorrow morning."
Dwight waved him off, "Don't get your hopes up. This is a long shot. I can't promise anything, but if it's up to scratch, I may run it by the project team."
Ravi, undeterred by Dwight's lack of enthusiasm, nodded respectfully. "I understand, Dwight. I appreciate the opportunity."
As Ravi left the office, he couldn't suppress the grin that spread across his face. The door closed behind him, leaving Dwight alone, skeptical but curious as to whether this interloper, in his opinion, might be able to deliver a fresh perspective to solving the complex problem.

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Their apartment exuded a warmth that welcomed Ravi as he entered, a refuge from the steel and glass world he had left behind. The glow of the single lamp cast a warm greeting. Indira met her husband with a smile.
"Ravi, how was your day?" she inquired, setting aside a book she had been reading.
Ravi's eyes sparkled with a newfound sense of purpose. "It was unlike any other day, Indira. I've created an opportunity for myself to contribute beyond the confines of the janitor role."
"What do you mean, Ravi?" Indira asked.
Ravi settled into a chair, his laptop bag slung over one shoulder. "I overheard a discussion about a design problem in a project. I couldn't help but offer some insights. My boss, Dwight, asked me to prepare a formal presentation for tomorrow."
Indira's eyes widened with pride. "Ravi, that's incredible! From janitor to contributor in a single day."
Ravi chuckled, the excitement bubbling beneath his words. "It's a chance to showcase my skills, Indira. I couldn't let it slip away."

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"I always knew you were destined for more, Ravi. This is just the beginning," she said.
Ravi sat down at the dining table and began to make some sketches. "I might have to pull an all-nighter," he said, "but it'll be worth it if I come up with something."
Indira busied herself with preparing supper. The aroma of spices wafted through the air as she moved gracefully in the small kitchen. The clinking of utensils and the sizzle of food in the pan created a comforting backdrop to the quiet intensity of Ravi's work.
As he immersed himself, the time passed swiftly. Supper was served—a simple yet flavorful spread that spoke of Indira's culinary prowess. Ravi closed his laptop, a momentary pause in his focused endeavor. "Indira, thank you," he said gratefully.
Indira set the plates on the table. "You've been through a lot today, Ravi. Eat now," she insisted.
Conversation flowed between bites, a mix of excitement over Ravi's unexpected opportunity and the harsh reality of their financial struggles. The looming threat of eviction hung like a noose, a constant reminder that even moments of triumph couldn't fully dispel the challenges they faced.

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"The landlord came by again today," Indira sighed, her gaze fixed on the tabletop. "He repeated his threat—pay the back rent by the end of the month, or he'll evict us."
Ravi frowned. "We can't let that happen, Indira. This apartment is our anchor. If I can secure a position beyond the janitorial role, it might help us catch up on the rent. But even if I stay on as a janitor, we'll just be able to cover the back rent with what I make this month. I don't know what we'll do for food, but let's worry about that when we get there."
Indira nodded. "I believe in you, Ravi. But we need to find a solution soon. We can't keep living on the edge."
Ravi reached across the table, gently squeezing Indira's hand. "We'll find a way, Indira. And this opportunity at work might just be the breakthrough we need."
After supper, Ravi returned to work on his presentation, his mind buzzing with ideas and possibilities. Indira retreated to the bedroom, leaving Ravi to navigate the intricate pathways of design engineering.
As the night wore on, the apartment settled into a quiet rhythm. The lamp's soft glow illuminated Ravi's determined silhouette, his fingers dancing across his laptop keyboard.

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Around 3 a.m., Indira, unable to sleep, rose from the bed. The air was still, the apartment shrouded in the quiet of the early morning hours. She made her way to the bathroom, light from the living room spilling across the corridor.
Indira's gaze fell on Ravi there, head down, asleep at the dining table. She placed her hand gently on his shoulder. "Ravi, it's late. You need some rest, come to bed," Indira chided softly.
Ravi woke up, surprised and exhausted. He could barely lift his head. "I need to finish this, Indira. I want it to be perfect."
Indira sighed, her hand gently resting on Ravi's shoulder. "Ravi, you can't solve everything in one night. You need rest, too."
Ravi blinked his eyes, fatigue evident in the lines on his forehead. "I know, Indira. But I can't stop now. This is important."
Indira nodded. "I know, Ravi. But you need to take care of yourself as well. Let me get you something to drink, at least."

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Ravi offered a weary smile, appreciating Indira's concern. "Thank you, Indira. I'll take a break, just for a moment."
As Indira disappeared into the kitchen, Ravi leaned back, rubbing his tired eyes. Indira returned with a steaming mug of chai, the comforting aroma wafting through the air. "Here, Ravi. Take a break and have some tea. It'll help you relax."
Ravi accepted the mug with gratitude, the warmth seeping into his tired bones. "Thank you, Indira. You always know how to take care of me."
Indira settled into a chair opposite Ravi, the silence between them carrying the weight of unspoken worries. Ravi sipped the chai, the soothing blend of spices providing a momentary respite from the demands of the night.
The minutes ticked by, the couple's quiet conversation interspersed with sips of chai. As the night wore on, fatigue claimed Ravi, his eyelids growing heavy.
"Ravi, you've done enough for tonight. You need some rest," she said, her voice gentle but firm.
Ravi looked at Indira, gratitude and weariness in his eyes. "I can't stop now, Indira. There's so much riding on this."
Indira reached across the table, her fingers grazing Ravi's hand. "You've done everything you can for tonight. Tomorrow is a new day, and you'll face it with the same determination. But right now, you need to sleep."
Indira rose from her chair, offering Ravi a reassuring smile. "Let me help you to the bed. You've earned some rest."

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The subtle hum of fluorescent lights and the scent of industrial soap filled the bathroom as Dwight S—, middle manager extraordinaire, washed his hands. His reflection smirked back at him from the cold mirror.
With calculated nonchalance, Dwight reached for a roll of toilet paper, tearing off a few sheets. He strolled over to the basin, his movements deliberate. Glancing around to ensure he was alone, he bent down and clogged the basin drain with toilet paper, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
He then set the tap running on full, water spilling over the rim and pooling on the slick, tiled floor.
Satisfied with his impromptu act of sabotage, Dwight exited the bathroom, leaving the tap's rhythmic splashing to echo in his wake.
Back in his office, Dwight sank into his leather chair, self-satisfaction lingering on his face. He rifled through a stack of papers, feigning interest as he awaited the next interruption.

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The door swung open, and Ravi entered, his precious presentation clutched in his hands. "Dwight, I've prepared the presentation," Ravi announced, a smile of deep pleasure irradiating his face.
Dwight looked up from his desk, annoyed by the intrusion. "Well, let's see what you've got," he said.
Ravi handed over the pages, barely containing his excitement. Dwight flipped from page to page, perusing Ravi's solution to the design problem in tense silence.
After a prolonged examination, Dwight's face betrayed no emotion. He dropped the pages on his desk. "Not bad, pal. I'll give you that. It might work."
Ravi's eyes lit up with genuine joy. "Thank you, Dwight! Will you take it to the other guys for an opinion?"
Dwight leaned back in his chair, his tone begrudgingly acknowledging Ravi's achievement. "I'll present your solution at the project team meeting later today. Don't expect any accolades, though. You're still just the janitor."

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As Ravi made his exit, Dwight's voice cut through the air. "Oh, I was just in the bathroom. What the hell? It's a mess in there. What are we paying you for? The place is a disgrace. Clean up the mess, and consider this your first and last warning. One more slip up like that, and you're out, do you understand?"
Ravi maintained his composure, and with a gracious nod, he said, "Of course, sir. I'll take care of it right away. I fully understand."
Dwight was taken aback at the janitor's measured response; he was hoping to goad him into a heated fight and have him dismissed for insubordination, but that had backfired. The bathroom sabotage was a deliberate act of demeaning, a reminder of the societal hierarchy he believed should be maintained.
In the bathroom, Ravi found the blocked basin and waterlogged floor. With a sigh, he retrieved a mop and set to work, the rhythmic swish of bristles against tiles echoing through the space.

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Meanwhile, Dwight, eager to rid himself of Ravi's accomplishment, eyed the paper shredder on his desk. Ravi's presentation lay within arm's reach. He fed the document into the shredder with a smug sense of superiority, watching as the pages began to be transformed into confetti.
Satisfied with this further act of sabotage, Dwight stepped out of his office to fix himself a cup of coffee, unaware of the mechanical protestations of the paper shredder: it jammed, leaving half of Ravi's presentation intact.
Having finished his janitorial duties in the bathroom, Ravi returned to Dwight's office to let his boss know that the duty had been performed. Finding the office unmanned, Ravi stepped over to the desk, thinking he'd make a quick clean-up.
He eyed the jammed paper shredder and immediately recognized his work in what remained of the pages protruding from the machine.
A surge of frustration and determination coursed through Ravi. Without hesitation, he pulled out the pages. Moving swiftly, he rummaged in a drawer and surfaced a roll of sellotape.

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Ravi meticulously pieced the shredded halves of pages back together, the fragments aligning under his practiced hands. Once a stage for Dwight's arrogance, the room became a makeshift workshop for Ravi's quiet defiance.
With the pages restored as best he could manage, Ravi slipped the salvaged presentation into the folder on Dwight's marked "Sterilization Device Project." The symbolic act of reclaiming his work filled him with a quiet sense of triumph, retribution from Dwight be damned.
Just as Ravi was finishing his discreet operation, Dwight re-entered the office. "What are you doing?" Dwight asked with a hint of guilt in his voice.
"Just making my final cleaning round, sir," Ravi replied cheerfully. "All good in here, I think. Is there anything else I can do for you.?"
"Did you clean up the bathroom?" Dwight asked.
"Yep, all good in there. Looks like someone dumped toilet paper in the basin and then left the tap running. Oh well, so it goes. All in day's work, right, sir?"

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"Right," Dwight huffed back. "Now move on; some of us have important work to do."
As Ravi exited the office, his salvaged presentation bore a silent testament to the resilience of the unexpected underdog. The janitor had made his next move in this game of corporate chess.
The boardroom buzzed with anticipation as the project team gathered for the much-anticipated meeting the next morning. Dwight entered, clutching the folder labeled "Sterilization Device Project," not having bothered to make a final check of its contents.
With a self-satisfied grin playing on his lips, Dwight handed the folder to a distinguished-looking gent in a three-piece suit.
As the team settled into their seats, Dwight approached the whiteboard, ready to busk his way through another ill-prepared update on the project, a veneer of confidence masking his trepidation.

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The company's CEO, Raymond, the man in the suit, observed the proceedings with a discerning gaze, his demeanor a blend of curiosity and authority.
Accustomed to the routine of such meetings, Raymond opened the folder he'd been handed. He lifted the top three pages in surprise, inspecting the carefully sellotaped pages.
"Good morning, team," Dwight began confidently. "As you know, we've been struggling to come up with a solution for the pre-conditioning chambers. Geoff and Esme have been working night and day on it, but—"
Raymond, his eyes scanning the patched pages, interrupted before Dwight could carry on. "Hold on, Dwight. What's the meaning of this?" He held up the pages quizzically.

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"Ah," Dwight stammered, going cold as he realized that Ravi had out-maneuvered him. "That, that is nothing. A minor error. The janitor, he, uh, must have tampered with that. It's not supposed to be in the folder. He asked if he could have a go at a design solution, and I thought, why not let him knock himself out? But it was rubbish. I shredded the pages. I don't know why he has done such a thing, putting them back together again."
Raymond's eyebrows shot up in disbelief. "The janitor tampered with a project folder? Explain how that is possible, Dwight."
Dwight, on the defensive, repeated himself unconvincingly, "I shredded those pages, Raymond. They were useless. But it seems he stuck them back together. Here, let me have that; I'll dispose of it properly, and we can move on. I'm sorry about the distraction."
"Hang on, Dwight, not so fast," Raymond said. "Are you telling me you gave a janitor access to highly sensitive and confidential project information?"
"Uh, well, no, sir," Dwight replied. "He helped himself to the information; in no way did I give him permission."
Raymond's expression darkened. "So, you're telling me the solution on these pages is the work of our janitor?"

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"I have to admit it is, and I'm sorry I let this happen. It was a mistake on my part, I take full responsibility for that."
Raymond's gaze bore into Dwight, a silent admonishment for his lack of control. "Find this janitor. Bring him into this meeting right now."
Dwight hesitated, but the seriousness in his boss's voice galvanized him into action. He left the boardroom, the eyes of the team following him.
As Dwight scoured the office for Ravi, his thoughts raced with resentment. The janitor had inadvertently become a thorn in his side, and the consequences were escalating far beyond his control.
Meanwhile, in the boardroom, the team exchanged uneasy glances. The tension hung thick in the air, the abrupt interruption casting a pall over the proceedings.

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It didn't take long for Dwight to locate Ravi, diligently tending to his janitorial duties in a distant restroom. Dwight approached angrily. "What the hell were you thinking?" He demanded to know.
"Taping those pages back together again and putting them in the folder? You've gone and made a big mess for me. Come with me," he yelled, grabbing Ravi by the arm, "you're wanted in the boardroom right now to explain yourself."
Unfazed by Dwight's attempt at intimidation, Ravi nodded and followed him, the journey to the boardroom feeling like a march toward destiny.
As Ravi entered the boardroom, the atmosphere shifted. The team's hushed conversations ceased, and all eyes turned toward the janitor who had dared to disrupt the established order.
Raymond, the epitome of corporate command, fixed his gaze on Ravi. "Are you the janitor who put together this presentation?" he asked, holding up the salvaged pages.
Ravi, composed and unyielding, affirmed it, "Yes, sir. I'm Ravi P—"

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe
Raymond's eyes narrowed skeptically. "Honestly, did you come up with the solution presented here?"
Ravi met Raymond's gaze, his response unequivocal. "Yes, sir. I did."
Intrigued by the unexpected turn of events, Raymond stood up. "How does a janitor end up crafting a complex engineering solution like this, Mr...?"
"Sir, please call me Ravi. Well, as Dwight knows, I have a master's degree in engineering. I've spent over a decade working in the medical device field. Certain, ah, circumstances led me to take on the role of a janitor here, but my skills extend far beyond my current position."
"Let me tell you, Ravi, your solution is brilliant, pure genius," Raymond said, rapidly shifting his gaze from Ravi to Dwight. "Dwight, I remember now we were interviewing for a new engineer; why was Ravi overlooked and not considered for the position he interviewed for?"
Dwight, cornered, attempted to provide feeble excuses. "Sir, the position required someone with a different set of skills. I thought Ravi wouldn't be a good fit."

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe
Raymond's patience was wearing thin. "So, you overlooked a qualified candidate based on assumptions? Dwight, this is a gross failure of judgment."
Dwight, his attempts to justify himself falling on deaf ears, realized that the balance of power had shifted, and the consequences would be swift and severe.
Now addressing Ravi directly, Raymond delivered a verdict that would alter the course of their professional trajectories. "Ravi, your work is exceptional. I appreciate your contribution. In fact, I am very impressed."
Ravi, though grateful for the acknowledgment, maintained his humility. "Thank you, sir. I believe in contributing in any way I can."
Raymond scowled at Dwight furiously. "Dwight, among many failings here, you have displayed a lack of discipline, an inability to recognize talent, and a disregard for the potential right in front of your face. You have done a terrible disservice to this man, the company, and yourself. Effective immediately, you are relieved of your position."
"What?" Dwight yelped. "How can you do this? I've been with this company for seven years, and you are taking the word of this, this janitor over mine? This is totally unacceptable. I'll sue!"

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe
"Knock yourself out, Dwight," Raymond shot back. "Now, please excuse us. We have some hard work to do, and you are in the way."
Dwight's half-hearted protest fell further on deaf ears as Raymond continued, "And as for you, Ravi, I believe your skills deserve a more fitting role in this company. I'd like you to lead this project if you're so inclined and take up a new role as our engineering project manager."
Ravi's eyes widened with surprise and gratitude. "I would be honored, sir," he confirmed.
"But, but," Dwight stammered, "this is impossible; what about me and all the experience and institutional knowledge I have?"
Raymond stepped over to Ravi, gently lifted the "janitor" hat off his head, and slapped it unceremoniously on Dwight's, saying: "It just so happens that a vacancy has opened up. Take it or leave it."

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe
Dwight, stripped of his authority, left the room in humiliation. "Ravi, please join us at the table," Raymond offered. "Allow me to introduce you to Priscilla and Geoffrey, our hydraulic and mechanical engineers, respectively."
The boardroom, once a bastion of hierarchy, had witnessed the consequences of racism and abuse of power as Ravi stepped up and took a seat at the table, prepared to outline his design solution.
Raymond addressed the team, declaring, "This is a lesson in recognizing talent where it exists and not making assumptions. Ravi, please proceed with your presentation. I'm eager to see where your expertise takes us."
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This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.