
Hell froze over, and he got his fondest wish

Manuela Cardiga
Mar 20, 2018
08:10 A.M.

Hell is Cool


An explosion last week killed a wild-living navy boilerman and he found himself in hell.

Being used to stoking fires and extremely hot temperatures, he found hell actually quite comfortable. When Satan went to check out the new arrival, he found him sitting in his room smiling.

"You like this?" Satan asked.

"Yes, sir," said the sailor, "this feels like a spring day to me."

Source: Wikimedia

Source: Wikimedia

Not wanting the new guy to be too comfortable, Satan turned up the heat a bit. When he went back the next day to see how his new arrival was doing, the sailor was still happy; he hadn't even broken a sweat. "I like this kind of weather," he told Satan.

For the next few days, Satan turned up the heat more and more, but each day the Sailor looked as comfortable as ever. By Sunday, Satan decided to try something different. Rather than turn up the heat, even more, he turned it off and turned on the air conditioning.

Source: Maxpixel

Source: Maxpixel

Icicles formed in the sailor's room! When Satan checked on the guy, the room was icy and he was shivering, but he had a grin from ear to ear, bigger than ever.

Satan was exasperated! "Why are YOU so happy?" he demanded from the sailor. "It's FREEZING in here!"

"Well, I'm from Boston," said the sailor, "and evidently the Red Sox just won the World Series!"

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