The dog used to lie on his back and cry, until shelter staff find affectionate family for him
A heartbroken dog in Florida touches the rescuer's heart.
As reported by Animals Melt My Heart, one dog named Meco was picked by Animal Control after he was spotted wandering a dirt road near Tampa.
The shelter began calling him Bronson. He was picked up with other dogs during that time. Because these dogs had no identifying collars, they were assumed as strays.
When Hurricane Irma started heading to the shelter, they decided to evacuate all the stray animals to safer grounds. They knew that the dogs would need help after the hurricane swept through the state.
Meco, together with the dogs he’d been picked up with, went with the rescue volunteers to a shelter in Blount County, Tennessee.
The staff noticed that all of the dogs were very friendly. They were all excited to see people, but except for Meco. They began to get worried about him. A volunteer at the shelter, Kellie Bachman, went into the dog's kennel to comfort him.
But Meco continued to lie on his back and cry. Trying not to cry herself, Kellie put the dog in her lap and rocked him.
Meco caught the attention of many people and they showed an interest to adopt him. But the shelter thought that the dog had a home and they knew they had to find his family.
With the help of her husband, Gino, Kellie tried to get him back to his family. Gino looked up the Florida shelter’s paperwork to contact the animal control officer who found him.
He immediately posted Meco's photo and information on a lost and found pets Facebook page of the area where he had been picked up.
It didn’t take long for the dog to be reunited with his family. They said that he didn't return one day from walking his little humans to their school bus stop.
Apparently, Meco met some new friends in the street and they got him in trouble, according to Animals Melt My Heart.