Ordinary moms and their children create heartwarming 'Carpool Karaoke' and the video goes viral
Moms and their kids have the Internet in tears as they sing and sign in Makaton to the tune of ‘A Thousand Years.’
On the 21st of March 2018, the world celebrated Down Syndrome Day, and some mothers got together and decided to do something a little different, revealed The Independant.co.uk.
They took the concept of ‘Carpool Karaoke’ and made a video with their children who have Down Syndrome. lipsynching and signing in Makaton to the tune of Christina Perri’s astoundingly beautiful and inspiring A Thousand Years.
No less than 50 moms and their beautiful, precious children who have Down syndrome, took part in the video and it one of the most touching and inspiring posts ever seen on the internet.
Makaton is a sign language created to facilitate communication with people who have cognitive impairments, autism, Down syndrome, specific language impairment, multisensory impairment and acquired neurological disorders, such as stroke patients have.
“The idea is, we are just normal mums, we love our kids, they love us, and they are just like other four-year-olds, we wouldn’t change them.”
Rebecca Carless, Carpool Karaoke Mom, The Independant.co.uk., 21st of March 2018,
Perri praised the video and declared on a Twitter post that she is deeply honored that they chose her song to express their love and devotion to their special babies.
James Corden, the late-night TV host who is known for his “Carpool Karaoke” segments with music megastars, has said that this is “the most beautiful Carpool Karaoke ever.”
The 50 participating mothers are all part of a Facebook group “Designer Genes” created for parents who have children with Down syndrome born between 2013 and 2014. These mothers wanted to celebrate their children, and affirm their commitment.
The idea was also to expand awareness of Makaton, a sign language for people who can hear but have difficulties speaking, or making themselves understood. Makaton was developed in Britain in the 1970's and researched by Margaret Walker. It is now in use in over 40 countries, including Poland, Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, Portugal, Greece, Kuwait, and Japan.