Queen reportedly thinks William and Harry would be better for the throne than rightful successor
It is an important question for the monarchy to answer as soon as possible, because it could affect the future of the kingdom.
With Queen Elizabeth in her 90's now, more and more questions are being asked about the future of the monarchy, and whether Prince Charles will still inherit the crown.
As reported by Fabiosa, author Tom Bower has revealed that the Duke of Edinburgh has doubts about his son's ability to continue to unite the UK if he is passed the crown.
Prince Philip is not the first to raise such concerns. Ever since the debacle with Princess Diana, the divorce, and her death in Paris, the public has not exactly held Prince Charles in a favorable light.
The latest poll still indicates that 63% of the British public would prefer that Prince Charles is passed over for the crown in favor of his sons, Prince William and Prince Harry.
But the most important opinion on the matter is certainly that of Her Majesty, the Queen.
Andrew Morton, the famous biographer who has had plenty to say about Princess Diana over the years, has revealed that even Queen Elizabeth feels that her son may not be the best option to carry on the British Monarchy.
The biographer claims that the Queen has much more faith in her two grandsons to rule than in Charles, and is particularly pleased with Harry and his ability to juggle his royal duties while continuing his successful relationship.
Queen Elizabeth recognizes that her grandsons are far more likeable figures to the public than Charles, and knows that it would be best for the throne and the monarchy if her son was not crowned King.
“William and Harry have star quality, and are believable and authentic heirs to the monarchy,” Morton said.
The Queen is also believed to have big plans for Harry in terms of the Commonwealth. She hopes that his good standing in the eyes of the public will help to re-energize the organization, and help make it more relevant.