14-year-old suddenly keeps buying extra tampons. But then mom realizes they're not for her
A young girl started spending all her money on sanitary products for women, and no-one understood why.
Lily Alter, 14, had an assignment set to her in her English class at Oak Park-River Forest High School in Chicago that would change her life, and affect the lives of hundreds of women, reported BoredDaddy.com.
Lily was writing an essay on the often sensitive subject of female hygiene during their monthly cycle and the peculiar taboo surrounding the subject when a thought struck her.
She realized that for homeless women this must be a very complicated part of their lives to manage while living on the streets with no resources and no money.
Research revealed to her that this was one thing that would significantly improve these women's quality of life and health.
“I thought about homelessness, women’s rights, and I wanted to combine it in a way that I could actually maybe help people.”
Lily Alter, BoredDaddy, 2017
Lily realized she could make a difference, and that her interest had expanded beyond writing an essay for a school project, and she was determined to have a positive impact in these women's lives.
She started collecting tampons, sanitary napkins and other little items specific to women’s hygiene and to pack them into little kits. Lily's idea was that each of these kits would contain enough supplies for one menstrual cycle.
Lily then took her kits out into the streets and started distributing them to homeless women. Her passion, her kindness, and her selflessness inspired her teacher and everyone else to help out, and she collected $3000 to fund the continuation of her project.
Lily's idea and her project now provide hundreds of homeless women, and shelters in Chicago with the kits that help them to stay clean, healthy. and to preserve their feminine dignity. Lily's true legacy is helping people to see that everyone can make a difference, one person at a time.