Man hears crying outside in a field. Coming closer, he finds newborn 'babies'
A man was taking his daily walk when he heard strange noises nearby that he couldn't identify.
The man looked off into the distance to try and determine what was making the noise, but couldn't see anything that he could comfortably say was the source. Instead he called on a rescue team to help.
As reported by All Cute All The Time, he gave them all the information he could, and then left it in their hands.
When the rescue team arrived, they too had a hard time identifying the source. There didn't appear to be anyone - human or animal - visibly in distress.
They started to follow the noise, and step by step got closer to the source. One of the men followed it until he was on top of the sound, and then realized how close he had come to stepping on it.
There at his feet was a fabric bag that only further confused the rescuers. There was a moment of silence and the bag was completely motionless. Then it began to move.
When he knelt down to open the bag, he was shocked to find seven newborn puppies inside it. The pups were so young that they still had their umbilical cords attached.
The men quickly rushed back to the veterinary clinic, but sadly three of the pups died on the way. The lucky four were given the love and care that newborn puppies required, and were quickly on the mend.
Despite their shocking introduction to life, the four pooches quickly turned into the sweetest and most vivacious pups that the nursing staff had ever seen. They had originally been concerned that their behavior would suffer as a result of trauma.
When the pups reached the 12-week mark, they were put up for adoption. Fortunately, with their happy little personalities, they were quickly snatched up by loving families.
While the nursing staff who had been caring for them were sad to see the tail-end of the pups, they were overjoyed that they were thriving and that all of them were going to good homes.