
Roseanne about spending 9 months in a psychiatric ward and the reasons for giving up her baby

Preeti Pillai
Aug 30, 2018
09:42 A.M.

The iconic television star opened up about the most difficult episode of her life.


As reported in an article published by New Idea, star of the hit TV show Roseanne, Rosanne Barr, discussed the time she was admitted to a state psychiatric ward after being involved in a fatal car accident at the age of 17.

The star was hit by a car accident and was dragged at least 30 feet. She disclosed to the National Enquirer that she had an out of body experience and believed that her body had died.

She recalled that she left her body and went to another place. She saw her own body from a height like some crumpled thing that she did not own. She even saw the white light and admitted it being wonderful.


Barr recalled deciding to leave Earth and coming back. She claimed that after she came back she was a completely different person.

She was only 17 years old at that time. Although many things that bothered her before didn't seem important to her after her accident, she confessed that not everything was hunky dory.

She suffered academically and her grades went down and she could not focus on anything anymore. After eight months of suffering from the change, Barr's parents decided to admit her into the state psychiatric facility.

Barr believed that she had gone out of control. She spent almost nine months in the psychiatric ward and was often tranquilized.

Barr got pregnant when she got out of the ward in 1970 and her parents asked her to abort the baby and leave the house. She ended up living in the Salvation Army Home that was meant for unwed mothers.

The TV star did not abort the baby but decided to give it up for abortion. According to People, on the day her daughter was taken away from her, Barr whispered into her ear that she will meet her when she turns 18.

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