
5-week-old baby girl dies at home in her mother's arms after hospital refused to care for her

Rodolfo Vieira
Apr 19, 2018
10:14 A.M.

Hospitals and medical institutions alike have a duty towards those who are not feeling well, but the reality is that many of those people get turned down.


Sometimes there aren't enough rooms to accommodate every single patient that shows up, nor doctors for that matter. Tessa McAllister learned that the hard way in March 2018.

Her baby, a 5-week-old girl named Blayke, ended up passing away at home because a hospital didn't admit her. They alleged that they had reached full capacity, as reported by American Web Media.

McAllister, along with her husband, Cody Hay, noticed that Blayke started to experience symptoms that resembled a cold. They took her to a doctor who told them that she had exactly that: a cold.


But the parents weren't convinced, so they turned to Jeffrey Hans, a doctor that their family has trusted for several years. Unfortunately, he gave them the same diagnosis as the previous one.

According to the source, McAllister and Hay knew that their baby was suffering from more than a simple cold. Finally, after a while, they found a doctor who gave them the diagnosis they were looking for.

Blayke had a respiratory syncytial virus, also known as RSV, which could cause an infection and damage the lungs, hindering the respiratory tract from functioning properly in the process.


As reported by American Web Media, RSV can sometimes lead to bronchiolitis, which requires hospitalization. The worried parents immediately called the hospital, begging them to taken Blayke in.

Dr. Hans tried talking to the hospital staff, hoping to exert his influence and get the baby a room, but he received the same answer. He then suggested that McAllister should take Blayke to the emergency room.

Instead of following the doctor's advice, she chose to keep the baby at home. Later, she woke up and found Blayke cold and unresponsive. The grieving mother admitted that she was at fault for falling asleep, but she also blamed the hospital for not helping them.

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