Father of 10 kids says to judge Judy he slept with her daughter. Here's her reaction
A disrespectful defendant smart-mouths the Judge and it backfires on him
Judge Judy Sheindlin is a retired Manhattan court judge who stars in a reality show called Judge Judy. In the show Sheindlin presides over an arbitration court, adjudicating real-life small claim disputes in a studio designed to duplicate a courtroom.
All the parties involved in the disputes sign an arbitration contract agreeing to abide by Sheindlin's rulings, and recognizing her authority to render decisions. Danny Gonzales, 21, who was on Judge Judy to answer a suit put forward by a neighbor was to be reminded of this fact in the harshest way.
The complainant - Ms. Gabby - was suing Gonzales for shooting out her windows and glass sliding doors with a BB gun. Gonzales refused to pay for the damage, claiming that the culprit was the gun salesman. According to Gonzales, the salesman broke Mrs, Gabby's windows accidentally while demonstrating the gun he was trying to sell.
Sheindlin asked Gonzales questions regarding his life and he revealed that he had 10 children. Sheindlin expressed her surprise at his having fathered so many children by the age of 21. She then asked Gonzales with how many different women he had fathered his children.
Foolishly Gonzales replied "about four. Including your daughter." Realising he's put his foot in his mouth, the defendant tried to fob it off as a joke, but Judge Judy cut him short.
"Let me explain something to you, fresh mouth. I'm the only one who makes jokes."
Judge Judy Sheindlin
Sheindlin reminded him sharply that in her court she is the only one who makes jokes, but the unrepentant, Gonzales made yet another mistake by telling her that 'this is my episode'.
Sheindlin explained that she was the ultimate authority in her court and that his obligation was to answer her questions, and that it was on those responses that she based her decisions.
Sheindlin's ruling was that since Gonzales had invited the salesman into his home, he was responsible for his actions. She decided that Gonzales was liable for the damage and had to pay for his neighbor's new windows.
The moral of the story is that it is not a good idea to offend or talk back to a Judge who might rule against you. Gonzales' 'joke' turned out to be an expensive one.