Squirrel returns to family who rescued her eight years ago with a special surprise
This little squirrel, named Bella, was saved by the Harrisons, and while she always kept coming back from time to time, she still had a final surprise for them.
Brantley Harrison, a volunteer with nonprofit Wildlife Rehab of Greenville, helped rehabilitate a gray squirrel injured by an owl.
Although the Harrisons raised Bella with three other squirrels, which were all released in her yard the following spring, she didn't behave like the others.
According to Fox Carolina, the squirrel hasn't forgotten her rescuer eight years later, as she visits the house several times a year.
The final surprise came recently when arrived at their door with an injured foot. After treating her with antibiotics for a couple of days, the Harrisons looked into her rehabilitation cage to find three squirrel babies.
According to Happiest, when Harrison found her, she was just 4-weeks-old and was in poor shape, but the family took her back to their South Carolina home and nursed her back to good health.
According to Metro, the passioned volunteer took her in and raised her alongside three other squirrels called Larry, Curly and Moe.
They took care of her until the spring of 2010, after being fed a hearty diet of fruit, nuts, and formula, and while the four squirrels were free to run around the forest, she kept coming back.
"The others came back too for a few days which is very typical and then after a week or so they usually stop coming by and getting close to you. Bella sits right at the front door waiting for someone to notice she has come by for a visit," Harrison explained.
After the secret pregnancy situation, the family decided to care for them all until the little squirrels were strong enough to go outside with their mother.
The family was incredibly happy to witness the baby squirrel that they raised, have babies of her own. "It was truly amazing to watch the baby I raised raise her own babies," Brantley said.
Wildlife Rehab of Greenville, the nonprofit organization which found Bella, has printed shirts with photographs of her to raise money for their group, which go directly to animal rescue.