
Donald Trump reveals what he bought for Melania's 48th birthday

Junie Sihlangu
Apr 27, 2018
09:00 A.M.

President Donald Trump had a phone interview on his wife’s birthday to commemorate her. One of the questions he was asked was what he’d bought for her.


His response was sort of halting as he explained what he’d managed to get. Melania Trump’s birthday was on April 26, 2018, according to The New York Post.

President Donald Trump admitted had a phone interview with Fox & Friends on Thursday. Seeing that it was his wife’s birthday, he was obviously asked what he’d gotten for her on her big day.

Melania Trump was turning 48, just two more years shy of 50. Donald responded, “I better not get into that ’cause I may get in trouble,” with regards to a gift for his wife.


He then admitted that he possibly didn’t get her much. Donald stumbled over his words before declaring that he’d gotten her a very beautiful card.

“It’s Melania’s birthday, so I said, ‘Let’s do it [the interview] on Melania’s birthday,’ so happy birthday to Melania.”

President Donald Trump, The New York Post, April 26, 2018

The President tried to explain why he’d only gotten her a card. He dismissively shared that he was just too busy to run around looking for presents.


He did state, probably after some careful thinking, that he didn’t only get her the card but some beautiful flowers as well. The President tried to lessen the blow, instead, by commending his wife.


He mentioned how Melania had done a “fantastic job” in planning the recent state dinner. The dinner was in honor of French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife, Brigitte.

Social media users were not impressed with the US President. A user named Danielle Nicolle Elder posted, ‘I’m sure with all the time he spends on his phone to tweet, he could’ve skipped one and ordered a gift from that same phone at least.’

The phone interview lasted for about a half-hour on Thursday morning.

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