
Opinion: Here are the warning signs your liver might be full of toxins

Manuela Cardiga
May 08, 2018
02:45 P.M.

The liver is one of the most important organs in the human body, filtering out the toxins that might damage it, keeping it healthy.


When something goes wrong with the liver, the first symptoms might be overlooked, or mistaken for general ailments.

It is important to know your body, and to be aware of the warning signs of liver failure. Taking your symptoms to a doctor may save your life.

Liver problems may be triggered by such factors as obesity or excessive consumption of alcohol. One of the most common of these is excessive fat deposits caused by being overweight. More than 15% fatty deposits in the human body can result in potentially life-threatening liver disease.

Another trigger for liver disease is alcohol addiction; some liver problems can be caused by an inherited genetic predisposition or high cholesterol levels.




The good news is that there are six symptoms that can alert the sufferer and help doctors to make an early diagnosis.

Chronic fatigue

The liver's inability to filter out toxins can cause unexplained muscle pain, mood swings, depression, and chronic fatigue.

Excessive sweating

The liver is no longer able to regulate the body's temperature and this can result in excessive sweating even when not exercising.

Sudden weight gain

The overwhelming toxin build-up can increase the deposit of fat in the body and subsequent weight gain.


The liver's ability to create antibodies that can help fight allergens is compromised, and to compensate the brain produces more histamines.



Liver dysfunction leads to hormone imbalance, and this, in turn, results in severe acne outbreaks.

Bad breath

Halitosis may be one of the symptoms that the liver is overtaxed, especially in people who have good oral hygiene routine.

If you have noticed any of these signs, consult your doctor. The good news is that unless your condition is very advanced, lifestyle changes and a healthy, balanced diet can restore your liver to health.

Take care of your liver, it is your body's barrier to toxins and infections. A healthy liver is the key to a long and healthy life.

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