
Here are 9 most common dreams and their meaning

Pedro Marrero
May 25, 2018
04:43 A.M.

There are some dreams and nightmares that some people have again and again when they go to sleep, but do you know why you keep having those dreams?


Even if you don’t pay too much attention to what you dream at night there are scientific explanations that give a possible meaning to those recurring dreams that haunt you. Independent revealed the 9 most common dreams and their meanings.

For years, scholars who focus on human behavior have studied our dreams. Sometimes they are right and sometimes not that much, but it’s hard to deny that there is a meaning to those scenes we watch in our brains when we sleep.

Psychologist Ian Wallace examined more than 150.000 dreams during his 30 years as a professional, and he explained the meaning of the most common of them, and what do you have to do during your waking hours to avoid them.

1. Free

Meaning: the feeling of free falling in a dream could mean that there’s something in your life that keeps you under alert, that’s why most of the times we wake up startled from these dreams.

 Image source: Shutterstock

Image source: Shutterstock


What to do: This is a reflection of your fear of losing control of your situation, so the best you can do is learn how to trust others and not become obsessed with the things that trouble you.

2. Surprise test

Meaning: The fear of sitting an exam is fairly common, but dreaming about it doesn’t always have to hide an academic meaning. Most of the times it is just you judging yourself because of your actions.

What to do: Instead of reviewing all the things about your personality that you don’t like, the best would be to focus on those traits you do like about yourself and to celebrate them eagerly.

 Image source: Shutterstock

Image source: Shutterstock

3. An empty room

Meaning: In the oneiric world the house symbolizes the different aspects of your character, so an empty room suggest that you have discovered something new to explore within yourself.

What to do: The more you explore your hidden talents, more doors are going to open for you, and those empty rooms will be filled with new meanings.

 Image source: Shutterstock

Image source: Shutterstock

4. Being naked in public

Meaning: We dress up to show the world a specific image of ourselves. If you dream that you are naked in public it means that there is a situation in your day-to-day life that makes you feel exposed.

 Image source: Shutterstock

Image source: Shutterstock


What to do: The best advice is to always be yourself and present yourself to the world just as you are.

5. A car out of control

 Image source: Shutterstock

Image source: Shutterstock

Meaning: The car represents your ability to grow in your life towards a specific goal. If the car is out of control, it means that the path you need to follow to achieve that goal is not clear.

What to do: Instead of obsessing with control, you have to trust your instincts more and surrender yourself to the unexpected ways that take you to where you desire.

6. Teeth falling down

Meaning: This is one of the most unpleasant dreams to have, and it shows a lack of trust yourself.

 Image source: Shutterstock

Image source: Shutterstock

What to do: You must learn to love yourself and to accept life as a succession of small victories, instead of focusing on a great achievement.

7. Not being able to find the restroom

Meaning: Beyond the most obvious bodily needs, the restroom represents that place where our most basic needs are fulfilled, and searching for one and not being able to find it means that you are not certain about your needs.

 Image source: Shutterstock

Image source: Shutterstock


What to do: You must spend more time thinking about what you really need.

8. Being followed

Meaning: There’s a problem in your life that you keep avoiding because you don’t know how to deal.

 Image source: Shutterstock

Image source: Shutterstock

What to do: Take the bull by the horns and face your problems.

9. Volar

Meaning: You have freed yourself from the pressures that used to make you worry in your life.

What to do: Enjoy the moment. This dream frequently comes after a personal achievement, so you better enjoy it.

 Image source: Shutterstock

Image source: Shutterstock

Now that you know the reasons for your most common dreams, it’s time for you to start trying to understand how these things affect you, and what to do to solve the problems that cause you these uncomfortable nights.

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