Professional musicians sing a sweet song in Walmart using toy guitar
Using a toy guitar, two professional musicians showed off their incredible talent.
Clay Shelburn and Zac Stokes impressed netizens after posting a video of themselves playing the guitar and singing inside a Walmart store.
The YouTube video, posted on September 18, 2013, had been viewed more than seven million times.
The three-minute clip is titled 'Clay Shelburn & Zac Stokes - Walmart Rockstars - Pride and Joy.'
The pair received praises from netizens.
YouTube user bakerXderek wrote: 'You doing that on a Cars Wal Mart guitar with that legit voice was insanely impressive!!!'
The pair is grateful for the attention they received.
'Thank you so much! I really appreciate that you shared the video. I sure woulda sang full voice if I knew this goofy video was gonna blow up. Lesson learned. Haha I will certainly let you know if we do more,' Shelburn wrote in the YouTube comments section.
Shelburn, who hails from Fort Worth Texas, later revealed that he released a single titled Dance With Me on iTunes and Google Play.
The singer-songwriter calls his genre, 'Funktry', which is a fusion of soul, country, rock and pop.
A self-taught artist, Shelburn has performed on stage since he was 13 years old.
He wrote his first song when he was 12. He was dubbed the 'Walmart Rockstar' after his video went viral.
His deep country roots are reflected in his first foray as a frontman with his 2010 EP Brokedown & Blue.
He has toured the U.S. and U.K, showing differing variations for his band: private and intimate acoustic shows all the way up to eight-piece arrangements featuring a horn section.
Shelburn has also served as a lead guitarist for many artists from Texas and other parts of the U.S.
'If he continues his trend of growth, his third crack at original music will contiue to evolve as he does,' reads his Facebook biography, referring to a third album he was planning.