Boy was born without arms or legs, now works on a farm and inspires everyone with his strength
Working on a farm is “a good little workout” for Chris Koch, who was born without arms or legs.
The motivational speaker and farmer featured on a SuperSoul Sunday series on the Oprah Winfrey Network in May 2014.
When Koch was born, his grandmother joked that his father never finished anything he started. Today, he is a hard-working individual, taking on responsibilities of any “normal” person.
Koch has not allowed his limitations to curtain his efforts he puts in at Apricot Lane Farms, doing everything that is required on a farm, including driving tractors.
He credits his family for his determination and independent spirit. His family stood with him in everything he wished to do.
He came to terms with his condition with the help of his family’s great sense of humor and spirited jokes. They raised him as any other child and did not let his “disability” be an excuse
“It takes me upwards of 400% more energy to do everyday tasks than someone with arms or legs. I’m hopping on one leg, it’s a good little workout.”
Chris Koch, SuperSoul Sunday, May 25, 2014.
His realized that his family could have treated his disability like a tragedy. However, they chose to take it all in stride and make the best of the situation.
On his website, If I Can, he wrote that he grew up playing road hockey and baseball with the others his age, got into trouble at school and home often, and helped his grandfather on the farm.
In his childhood, he even tried prosthetic limbs but absolutely detested them.
Koch does not believe in how one looks. He said that those who are ashamed of their freckles, or about their nose, or ears, would be cheating themselves out of opportunities.
He added that a person would then just waste their time and hold themselves back from achieving their true potential.
When he is not on the field farming, he travels around as a motivational speaker. He hopes to encourage others to live their lives to the fullest and achieve their potential.
Koch has met people at schools, seminars, and conferences around the world. He said he is lucky to have got the opportunity to speak to various groups of people.
The simple farmer is an inspiration for everyone and provides a valuable lesson on how to face challenges in life.