How kind stranger helped homeless man claim his dog from the pound
Dogs have proven many times over that they are man's best friend, and Patrick was devasted when his dog, Franklin, was impounded.
Patrick, who is homeless, was arrested for trespassing and spent a few days in jail. During this time, Franklin was picked up by a local animal shelter.
The Rita B. Huff shelter informed Patrick that it would cost $120 to release Franklin; he didn't have the funds. Desperate, he turned to the community for help.
As reported by CBS News, Patrick was standing outside Wallmart in Huntsville, Texas, with a sign that read 'Dog in pound. Need help,' when Wilma Price spotted him
At first, she kept walking because she had less than $10 in her handbag and thought she wouldn't be able to help Patrick.
However, she couldn't just walk away, explaining later to reporters that there was just something in Patrick's eyes. He looked lost.
"I looked at him, and I couldn't get over it," she said. Patrick explained what had happened, saying that Franklin was his life. He even lets Franklin eat first.
Price could see a water bowl hanging from the side of Patrick's backpack, as well as dog food and a toy. She knew that Patrick was sincere about his love for Franklin.
With a friend's help, Price managed to raise funds for Franklin's release. Patrick was grateful, saying that Price had done more for him in one morning than most people have done in his life.
Price also created a GoFundMe account for Patrick and Franklin, and netizens from all over the world contributed towards their wellbeing.
“The lesson here is don’t judge a book by their covers. That’s the whole thing. We’re in such a judgmental world. Everybody deserves a chance - you never know, in the blink of an eye that could be you.”
Wilma Price, CBS News, October 26, 2016.
The campaign isn't active anymore, but Patrick received thousands of dollars in donations. For more uplifting stories, please follow our official Twitter account, AmoMama USA.