A story of healing: How Hiroka the horse was rescued from a backyard butcher
Rescuers bring in a sickly horse from a cruel slaughterhouse. Two months later, the animal makes a miraculous recovery.
A horse named Hiroka was rescued from a slaughterhouse that kept its animals in the most miserable of conditions. A video uploaded on YouTube recorded its unbelievable recovery.
When the rescuers from Gentle Barn Rescue found her, she was covered from head to toe in her own waste and filth. The horse had no muscle or fat in her body but only skin, and bones.
She even had a huge infection from a sore on her leg, which ran deep right down to her bones. Rescuers also found her spine crooked and she was unable to stand properly.
They were worried about her because she mostly lied on the ground and engaged in very little activity.
Clearly, the slaughterhouse from where Hiroka was rescued did not provide proper care for its animals. The rescuers found that the animals were eating unhealthy food and had to witness the slaughtering of other animals.
After the rescuers took her to their own barn, they tried a number of things to get Hiroka back to full recovery.
One of the first things they did was feed her with a lot of chlorella, which gave the horse's body a lot of nutrients. It helps their body become strong and healthy so that it accelerates the healing process.
The rescuers further used antibiotics and painkillers to relieve Hiroka's pain and then used chiropractic to straighten her spine. They also tracked the infection in the leg with ultrasound so that they could shrink the swelling.
Two months after the rescuers took Hiroka in, the horse was back to her full fitness. In the video, it was announced that SunChlorella, a brand of chlorella, sponsored the rescue and provided them with all the products required to bring the animal back to its full health.