
Owners of pregnant horse notice 'strange afterbirth' after delivering beautiful foal

Jun 21, 2018
09:08 A.M.

Just when the owner thought the delivery was over, they were met with another surprise and they acted fast.


Jenni, who is the owner and founder of Saratoga Stud in South Africa, is very passionate about horses. She breeds, rides, loves, and is a caretaker of horses.

Her most beloved horse is named Daisy. In November 2014, Jenni was ecstatic when she learned that her favorite horse was expecting her first foal.

By the time she was ready to deliver, it had been seven days over her due date. Jenni and her colleague Guy quickly went to the stables when they were called by their night watch, who reported that Daisy was in labor.

Source: Freepik

Source: Freepik

Don Quixote, Daisy’s first foal, was finally welcomed into the world. Jenni and Guy were both quite stunned when they noticed his unusually small size since Daisy is a big horse.

Still, they were excited for Daisy and the new baby horse.

Shortly after, Jenni and Guy were met with uncontrollable barks from their dogs.


Guy went to check the afterbirth and was shocked at what he found out. Jenni came to inspect Daisy and felt a pair of feet inside her.

To their surprise, she was once again in labor and unfortunately, the foal was breech.

Daisy laid down to push but was quickly distracted when she noticed Don Quixote standing up.

Jenni and Guy knew the situation was critical. The chances of getting the second foal out alive were minimal.

Luckily, everything went well and the second foal, who they named Duet, was born.

Source: Freepik

Source: Freepik

Talking about the two horses, Jenny stated in Little Things that Don Quixote and Duet do everything together. They like to be side by side as much as possible.

“They are both very happy little souls who have brought us such joy over the last few months, both very tame and enjoy human company and will be part of Saratoga forever,” she added.

Jenni shared they consider the two young horses their miracle and they would never consider selling them to anyone.

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