
Woman accused of kidnapping Mexican football fan reveals her own version of the story

Pedro Marrero
Jun 30, 2018
03:28 A.M.

The intriguing story about the World Cup began when a Mexican man Francisco Mata Sanchez, who went to Russia for the championship to support his team, disappeared after meeting a Russian woman in Moscow.


Through a Facebook post that went viral on social media, that she later deleted, Amanda Paola Smeke, wife of one of his friends, announced that a woman named Alita had basically kidnapped the man and refused to give information when she answered the phone.

After several days of intense search, Mata was found by personnel of the Mexican Embassy in the country, according to Publimetro. Read more on our Twitter account @amomama_usa

‘Since we found out about the case, we followed him and with the help of the local authorities, he found him. Part of the staff of the embassy already paid a visit him, he is in good health, he said there was no problem,’ said a spokesperson.

‘Everything else that has happened is a personal matter. The important thing is that he is well, with his people, he has communicated to his house and it seems that there will be no problem, he will continue with his trip’, they added.


The spokeswoman, Nayerli Cecena, revealed that he actually spent ‘several days of partying’ while there was a police search for him, as it was feared that he had been drugged and kidnapped.

After it surfaced that the woman Mata left the pub where he was last seen by his brother was a Muscovite named Alita Gamzatova, she was offended by the insinuations about her and talked to Publimetro to clear things out.


‘It is an unpleasant story. The truth is that I was slandered by Francisco's brother when he said that he kept the young man “in custody”, had drugged him and stolen him. But it was not any of that,’ share Gamzatova.

Gamzatova version of the story is that Mata didn’t want to leave her apartment for days, and his brother attempted to call the police and stop answering her calls. She believes Mata’s brother acted that way to cover up the man, who is married.

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