Conjoined twins successfully separated and are doing well now
Erin and Abby Delaney were born in 2016, conjoined at the top of their heads, making their separation an extremely difficult task.
Despite all the challenges, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia took on the daunting task of separating the twins, reported Bored Panda. The hospital authorities informed that it was one of the most complicated procedure that the hospital has ever operated.
The surgical team for each girl carried out the fast-paced procedure for many hours and remained careful to prevent either of them from bleeding to death or to cause further complications.
The twins are today able to live two individual, separate lives without any issues because of the relentless and careful effort as well as incredible skills of the surgeons.
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“They’re such happy, content little girls, for what they’ve gone through … They’ve never lived outside of hospital walls,” said Heather Delaney, the mother of the twins.
The pair stayed in the hospital for up to five months after the surgery. Finally, they were allowed to go home and grow physically and mentally to ‘flourish in their own space,’ the source wrote.
The mother of the twins also updated on the status of the twins, ‘They’re not afraid of people … it’s amazing to see how brave they’ve been through all of it.’
Earlier, the mother faced a lot of complications immediately after the birth of the twins. It was impossible to hold them separately, they could not even roll over, and sitting up straight was impossible. They had to be monitored constantly.
She also updated that Erin can now sit up on her own while Abby has learned to roll over. It was difficult to arrive at this situation, but the twins continued to fight and arrived at the stage that they are now.