6 unobvious tips on how to organize home easily
If you organize the space in your home correctly, you can live and work at ease, meet with your friends and make romantic appointments. Many times, when we need some order, we hide those things that we think are making a mess on the shelves or closets. Although in principle this is a temporary solution that seems to be effective, in the long run, it generates more chaos and forces you to work twice as much to order the house.

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To begin, you have to do a very hard job, because the ideal thing is to do a thorough cleaning in which you can sort the whole house and get rid of the things that you no longer use. Once you have done this first cleaning, it will be easier to continue to organize the house and eliminate the mess. Clutter is one of those things that we must always keep at bay in our home – as well as detract from our quality of life can ruin any style of decoration.

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1. The Fridge
Having the fridge in order helps us to conserve food better, avoid cross-contamination and know exactly what food we have. To keep the refrigerator in perfect condition, and ensure its operation, we must start by checking that its temperature is optimal: 5ºC for the refrigerator and -18ºC for the freezer. Once you check that your fridge cools well, place the food correctly so that the cold circulates well and keep better.

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2. Your Shoes
Who has not accumulated shoes in the hall, stairs or room? If you don’t know where to put all the shoes you have, this article is ideal for you. We bet on the practical and economic tricks, for that reason on this occasion we want to give you some original ideas to organize shoes. Forget that keeping all pairs is a problem and leaving them scattered anywhere.

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Do you have any furniture that you want to throw? This is the perfect occasion to reuse it. Remove the doors and cover it with a nice paper, you can also restore it and give a more personal touch. Remember that if you don’t have shelves, you must put some so that the shoes are ordered and are not scattered inside the furniture.

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3. Household Bills
Organizing household bills is something completely essential. Otherwise, surely, the least expected day we will find a real chaos, unable to find that bill of light that we need or that bank receipt so necessary. It’s very important to find a specific place to store them. This place should always be the same. In this way, we won’t go crazy to look for them at any given time.

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4. The pantry
The pantry is one of the most important places in the kitchen since the main foods and products are stored.

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It’s necessary to have a well-organized pantry, in this way you can make an inventory of the food, and at the same time save money on the purchase, since you won’t buy products that are not needed. You must classify the food products. On one side put the boxes, on another the cans, and the ingredients that are open must be hermetically closed so that they don’t spill or you can damage its contents because this would lose money.

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The most common jars, such as salt and sugar, should be handy, and in a place, you can’t see, place temptations such as sweets and sodas. Group the meals by type, such as spices together, sauce pots, grains, portions of pasta, and bottles according to the type of liquid. In case you buy food in large quantities, you can save these products separately. This way you won’t get confused with what you have to use first.

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5. Sleepwear
One of the most common issues when it comes to storing bedding is where and how to do it. You may have a closet designed to store this type of clothing but you don’t know what’s the best way to store it to protect it and that it wrinkles as little as possible. It may also happen that you don’t have a specific space to store it and you have to make room in your common closet.

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Choose the space where you will keep the bedding, be it a wardrobe, a drawer or the bed tray, which usually has a lot of storage capacity.

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So that the bedding doesn’t mix with the rest of the clothes, buy special boxes for this purpose and store there only this type of clothes. The box you are going to use should be clean and dry. Place the clothes that you use the most at a height that is comfortable for you and the one you least use or the bedding that is not seasonal (for example quilts, blankets, and duvets) save it separately since you will use it less often.

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6. Renovating old furniture
In many cities there is a habit of recycling furniture that people throw away and that sometimes are in very good condition, other people simply love to give a different touch to their house customizing the old furniture but the hard part is knowing where to start.

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If you love the country style of yesteryear then you could take your old piece of furniture and without sanding or retouching the wood, paint it directly. The result will be that somewhat scaled appearance for which so many people pay fortunes without being a truly old piece – if this style hits your house don’t think about it.

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In the case of fabric items of furniture such as sofas and chairs, it is best to renovate them by upholstering them again with the fabric and color that best suit our home.

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And if you do not have the budget to do so you can then buy a blanket with a pattern that you like or a special lining to cover it for the moment, little money and great results.