New 'Shiggy challenge' dance is becoming popular among young people
The “Shiggy Challenge” has gone viral recently and a lot of young people, including a few celebrities are doing it. One man tried it and it, unfortunately, did not go well.
The challenge, also known as “In My Feelings Challenge,” is hopping out of a running car and dancing beside it as it slowly moves forward to the song In My Feelings by rapper Drake.
Since the challenge gained attention on social media, more and more people are trying it.
Some have succeeded, but there were others who ended up being injured, much like Jaylen Norwood and Anna Worden.
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Norwood from Florida was lucky to have walked away with only a scraped arm after his attempt of the dance challenge had gone wrong.
He was doing the viral dance when he accidentally got hit by a car. As it turned out, the driver was his friend and it was supposed to be a stunt.
"I was going to jump on the hood and I was going to keep dancing, I was going to try and mix it up a bit. It didn’t work at all," Norwood said to Inside Edition.
His friend, who was driving the car, told the media outlet, that he hit the moment Norwood fell on the ground close to the bumper.
At the time, he wasn’t sure if his friend was going to be okay.
Another participant, Worden from Iowa, 18, tried the dance craze and ended up with a fractured skull and bleeding in her brain.
While wearing a neck brace, Worden told Inside Edition, “Apparently, I got out and tripped and fell and hit my head.”
At present, Worden is with her father as he assists her in learning how to walk again.
Following the accidents, the National Transportation Safety Board released a warning discouraging people to do the challenge.
Speaking with The Blast, they said, "Hopping out of a moving vehicle or jumping into lanes of traffic to show your dance moves is foolish and dangerous."
Despite the incidents, many social media users are still doing the challenge. One of the most popular ones is dancer Chachi Gonzales’ version.