
Soldier thought he might not see the dog he rescued in Iraq again, but 1 month later they reunite

Aug 10, 2018
11:50 A.M.

Ollie, a veteran dog who assisted US forces stationed in Iraq, found a new owner, when Wyrsch, one of the soldiers who worked with the dog, managed to bring him to the country.


The dog made the long trip from Iraq to San Fransisco and reunited with Wyrsch on May 19, 2016, after he contacted SPCA International, requesting their help to bring the dog to back to the US.

Wyrsch picked up Ollie at the San Fransisco International Airport, according to the video uploaded by KPIX 5 on YouTube.

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When it was announced that the unit that Wyrsch was a part of would be disbanding, and all the soldiers would return home, Wyrsch feared he would have to leave Ollie behind.

“You don't leave a friend behind, can't do that.”

Wyrsch, KPIX CBS, May 20, 2016.

Source: YouTube / KPIX CBS SF Bay Area

Source: YouTube / KPIX CBS SF Bay Area


The soldier was anxious about Ollie because of the unsafe streets in war-torn Iraq. He was aware of the brutal treatment that animals could face in the country.

Wyrsch finally succeeded in his efforts to meet his best friend when SPCA International raised enough money to fly Ollie to San Francisco, thousands of miles from Iraq.

Source: YouTube / KPIX CBS SF Bay Area

Source: YouTube / KPIX CBS SF Bay Area

Ollie could not contain his excitement when he finally got to see meet Wyrsch, a month after their separation. Ollie was enthused to see his best friend, and he stood on his hind legs to hug Wyrsch.

Wyrsch talks about the thousands of dollars of donations that they received to bring Ollie back. “And this right here was thousands and thousands of dollars of donations that went into this dog, you know? He’s a good boy. He’s worth it,” Wyrsch said.

Source: YouTube / KPIX CBS SF Bay Area

Source: YouTube / KPIX CBS SF Bay Area

He became a morale booster and a beloved mascot of the US unit stationed in Iraq when he strolled into their military base near Kirkuk.

Ollie was a stray when he started hanging out with the US soldiers at their base. In a short while, Ollie won the hearts of all the soldiers, in particular, the then-Army Specialist Ken Wyrsch, according to KPIX CBS.


Wyrsch had raised Ollie and took comfort in his furry friend during tough times. Wyrsch was fighting alongside Kurdish military forces at the time he first met Ollie, and their bond only grew stronger since then.

Luckily, Ollie found his best friend with whom he will be living a new life in the Bay Area. Wrysch in the video said that Ollie would stay with him for the rest of his life.

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